How To Go Digital Part 5: Fundraising


Raising money is essential for nearly every high school in America.

Programs rely heavily on their community for financial support.

There are countless people looking to lend a hand, and it’s on you to find them and make it easy for them to donate.

Luckily for group leaders around the country, rSchoolToday does just that. The mission behind our Rally Around Us digital fundraising platform is simple: provide a superior method of fundraising that is safe, easy, and effective.  

We create custom campaign websites with school colors and logos, allowing group leaders to easily track campaign statistics (***for VNN schools, this is already built into your website). The platform allows students to extend their reach beyond their school communities, connecting with family and friends across the country. In fact, 65% of donations come from outside your community.

One of the coolest aspects of the product is the (lack of) time commitment for group leaders. 30-45 minutes is all you need to operate effectively. We do the heavy-lifting so coaches can focus their attention on the job’s primary responsibilities.

By strategically connecting organizations with willing donors and casting a wider net, Rally Around Us maximizes visibility and empowers schools to raise more money than ever before.

It’s time to operate with more efficiency, and optimizing fundraising is a great place to start.

For a small setup fee, find our how your programs can take home 95% of your donations.

To learn more or set up a demo, contact us here!


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