Last week, Varsity News Network’s co-founder and CEO, Ryan Vaughn, published an guest article on SportTechie, a sports and technology news site, on how schools can attract more students and funding by investing outside the classroom, and in athletics. Below is an excerpt from that article – read the rest on their site: here
Balancing a school’s budget might be one of the most depressing ways to spend time. In too many districts, money always seems to be tighter than the year before and administrators are faced with laundry lists of services too valuable to cut. Every aspect of education is important, but school officials have to devise strategies that make the most of limited resources and that stretch the few dollars in their coffers to do the most good.
Because budgets are largely based on enrollment, attracting more students can be the key to gaining more funding, and a strong athletics program can make a school more desirable than an academically superior institution that lacks those extracurricular activities.
However, it’s not getting any cheaper or easier to run an athletic department, so it can be tough to invest in the future of a department in order to attract additional students. But schools increasingly leverage a secret weapon in solving this chicken-and-egg problem: technology.
Read the full article here.
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