The future of communication in K-12 sports

Last week, our co-founder and CEO, Ryan Vaughn published an article in partnership with SportTechie on the future of communication in K-12 sports. Below is an except from that article –   read the rest on their site here.
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Ryan-Vaughn_avatar_1446049431-60x60 “The Future Of Communication In K-12 Sports” by Ryan H. Vaughn
Whether on the field, in the locker room, or at stadium turnstiles, communication has always been key in sports. It’s even more important in a school environment, where coaches and athletic directors need to communicate not only with students but also with their parents.
We’re all passionate about youth sporting endeavors, and we want to know how the games are going. We feel bad when we can’t attend and wish there were some way to still follow the score. In a world where anyone can get up-to-the-minute pictures of their friends’ lunches and dinners, it seems unbelievable that so many parents feel out of touch with their children’s school sporting achievements.
That’s why the best new technology will allow for proactive, two-way communication originating from many angles. Read the full article here.


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