
No Touch Fundraising: Fall's Big Necessity?

Teams will still have to fundraise this Fall, but will your coaches, parents, athletes, and fans be as open to trading cash like they have been in the past after COVID-19?

Romy Glazer: Hi everyone it’s Romy from VNN, it’s about 9:52 here central time in Minneapolis. We’ve got Brett and Rick with me. We were just chatting ahead of time so we’ll get started here in another ten minutes or so once we let people join. Thanks for being here.

Perfect. So thanks so much for everyone for joining. I’m Romy, marketing at VNN. I’m here with Rick and Brett to talk today about fundraising. Really excited that you’re here to join us and spending your Friday morning with us. There’s been a serious we’ve done over the past few weeks where we introduce new technology. People are at home, so we’re all kind of learning together and we wanted to just get you guy familiar with what we have to offer, or what some other of our friends in the market have to offer in kind of a low-pressure environment. And, a chance for you to see, you know, what kind of tech is out there. We’ve been doing once a week, we may start spreading them out depending on the interest level from everyone and who’s signing up, but one thing to mention is that after this webinar, we’re going to send a poll out to everyone who joins so we can find out what topics you’re interested in hearing about, so we can be sure that we’re, you know, creating this sort of content with exactly what you want to hear about. A few ground rules right now, so we’re going to try and keep this to about 30 minutes. In previous webinars, we’ve gone over a little bit, but most of the content is going to take place in 30 minutes. And because we have a lot of people, we have it in listen-only mode. But we also have this recording so we post it to our YouTube channel, and you can take a look after. You’ll get a link to the video if you need to send it around, anybody, any of your friends or administrators or whoever it is. And them I also am acting as moderator for the day, so if you have any questions at any time, post them in the questions tab or in the chat, and I’m going to keep an eye on those. And we’ll run through everything that we have to talk about up front, and then on the back end we’ll have a Q&A where I will bring up questions if we want to bring them to the group. So it should be really fun, thanks again for being here. With that I wanted to introduce Rick Ehrman, CEO of VNN to kick us off, and Brett Thompson, founder of Rally Around Us.

Rick Ehrman: Thanks Romy. I just thought, you know, these sessions are usually most productive if we get to the Q&A as quickly as possible, so I just want to remind everyone of a couple things. You know, everything that we do, and you’ll see in our mission slide, if you were to really translate that into what we talked about internally, everything we do from content creation to building tools, to partnerships, are all focused on making athletic director’s lives easier. And by default, coaches and parents and athletes, so two big, you know, sub sectors of that, are communication and funding. And we feel so much about helping all of you raise funds that, you know, we were passionate enough about this business that we actually acquired Rally Around Us back in January. So I think some of you were on that call when Brett and I announced our operational partnership turned into an integration, an official vertical integration, where he’s part of the company. So great progress in Q1. Since we’ve integrated, Brett’s going to share some really interesting unique testimonials, but more importantly show all of you a demo of how high schools and student athletes are being successful raising funds, versus the traditional way.

One other thing I just want to kind of plant a seed, we’re not only rolling out digital tools to help you, we’re also in the process, and it’s a little premature to talk about, but I think we’ll be ready next week with a webinar to talk really about a social responsibility initiative where we’re all looking to partner with five or six national brands around the country. And they’re big brands, they’re household names that really want to create a statement of this package to help high schools make up for the revenue that they really missed out on during the spring season, help raise funds for the fall. So when we come out of the COVID-19 situation, hopefully sometime this summer, that all of you are kind of prepared to go back into business mode. So stay tuned where that’s all being formalized as we speak. It’s going to be some exciting information and press word worthy. I’ll go as far as to call it a stimulus, stimulus package that will be presented by VNN and some of our partners that I think will excite all of you. So, if there’s any questions at the end of this around that, I’m happy to answer the ones that I can, but I thought we focus now on Brett and showing the user experience of the app.

RG: Great thanks Rick.

Brett Thompson: Romy let’s go ahead and pass the presenter all over to me.

RG: Great coming your way right now Brett.

BT: Right perfect. Well thanks everybody for joining. I, like Rick mentioned, we are now officially part of VNN since January, and it’s been amazing, it’s been amazing to be a part of the team, to be connected with the leader in high school sports tech. Rally Around Us was founded back in 2015. Just a quick background on myself, I grew up playing sports, had the opportunity to play at the collegiate level, played receiver for BYU, and kept close with my athletic director as well, both my college athletic director as well as my high school athletic director.

Just through a series of conversations with them, understanding some of the pain points that athletic directors, coaches, parents, athletes, are all having when it came to fundraising. Saw a great opportunity to utilize some of the social media and digital marketing that we have available to us now, and created Rally Around Us. To this day, we’ve helped teams raise over 5 million, and looking at VNN, we first started off as a partnership with VNN, and as that partnership bear fruit for a lot of teams that we worked with, we decided to integrate into their platform. And that was back in 2019, and now we’re again part of VNN. And definitely, definitely are grateful and appreciative of them. I love working with them, love being a part of sports.

RG: Brett, or maybe he might have been muted, yeah your computer, your phone, we hear a little echo.

BT: Okay, you guys hear me now good? Perfect. So I want to give you guys just a quick idea of the success of these online crowdfunding campaigns. And I have this slide here, it breaks it down by team size so you can see four teams that have 15 to 49 athletes. On average, they’re raising $5,000, and as the team size increases, the averages also increase. So we have campaigns that are raising upwards of $40,000, $30,000 just depending on size. And that is without any out-of-pocket cost. There’s no financial risk, there’s no products being sold, there’s no overhead. There’s no handling of money, it’s all done digitally. And this all happens and takes place in a 30 day period. So it’s a 30 day campaign, and I’ll get into more what a campaign consists of.

One thing to bring to your attention too with these online campaigns with our platform, the average donation in 2019 was $68 per donation, which is extremely high. And not only is that a high amount, but dollar for dollar with a digital fundraiser, you’re getting more of that donation as well. So jumping into a little bit about how this works. And as we go through how it works, I also want to dive into a product demo as I explain how this works.

So first thing we do with our programs is we helped them create what we call a school branded campaign page. And to give you guys a visual of what that looks like, I have two examples here. So if you are a VNN school, you’ll notice that there’s been a donation button that has been added to each of the team’s page. Right here we’re looking at, or by the high school, and we’re looking at their football program’s page. And once we go live with a campaign, and you’re a VNN school, this is integrated to run right in the website. So those that would like to support the program can come to the website, they can choose the custom donation amount that they would like, and they also have the ability to select a participant, the athlete, or the, or whomever it may be that they would like to support. They can donate to the entire program, or they can choose an individual participant. That’s part of that program, and then they just go ahead and they can put their card information in. And an email donation receipt of sent to them after their donation.

You’ll also notice if I was to refresh this, that comments can be made. We have a recent donor list, and it shows different messages that people can leave right here on the page for programs that are not VNN schools. We have the opportunity for you guys to still run campaigns through our platform. It’s hosted in our domain, so this would not be necessarily integrated in your school site if you’re not a VNN program. But you can see here that it’s a very similar page. It’s a custom branded school logo, and the conations again can take place right here from this campaign page. So there’s a couple of things that we need in order to create these campaign pages, and that’s when we need to help the coach or the admin for the campaign.

And to get a custom campaign page set up just requires a couple things. The first being a campaign video. You can see here as I go back to this example, we had a little bit of a video issue, so I’m not going to play this, but I will have Romy put a link in our YouTube channel so you guys can have examples of what these videos look like. But the video gives the opportunity for the team or program to talk a little about about the goals that they have for the year, and the money that will be raised, how that’s going to be used and benefit their program. And it’s great for donors to get on here to see a video, see the effort that the team puts in to connect with them and their donors. And we allow teams to get as creative as they would like with these videos. We’ve had lots of programs pull in the video department at the school, where students are participating and help building out these videos.

And then we also have simple videos, where a team gets together like they’re going to take a team photo, and the different athletes or participants have different lines that they say. We provide to each of the admins or the coaches that we’re working with a video script I’ll show you guys an example of that here. Here’s just a quick flyer that we send out to our coaches that gives them an idea on how to run or film a campaign video. Again, it could be as simple as you would like, and it can also be as elaborate as you would like. You know, during this time where athletes are at home, we’ve seen some really creative videos that I would love to share with you guys. We can provide some more links for those as well, where we’re either doing a voiceover. So a coach will send us a voice memo, and we can put pictures behind the voice memo, and that’s just a simple way in the times that we’re in right now to create these campaign videos. We’ve also had where athletes are recording themselves in their homes. We’re taking the individual videos, combining them together, and creating a campaign video that way. So even though the team cannot be together, there’s still opportunities for them to create the campaign videos and get creative with their videos as well.

So once we have the campaign video and a couple other additional data points, we’re able to then create these campaign pages. So that’s the first step in running your guys’ campaigns, is to get that campaign page set up. Now the second is what we like to call the bread-and-butter of these campaigns. It’s what makes them so successful. And that is each athlete or participant goes home, sits down with their parent or guardian and, and comes up with a list of 20 contacts of people who are in their network that they think would be willing to support their program, whether that’s through a donation, or being willing to share that on social media, or pass along to, you know, neighbors and family and friends.

I have a flier that I want to share with you guys, and this is what we send to coaches. And coaches print these out, and they give them to their athletes to take home. Again, they sit down with their parent or guardian and they fill out this work sheet right here. And there’s directions on how to do this, but essentially again, we’re not looking for peers to be added to this. It’s people that you know these athletes think would be willing to support their program In addition to filling this out with their parent or guardian, we make this very simple to submit these contacts through our mobile app, and I’ll walk you through that process here.

So if you want to bring your eyes over to the app that I have on the right side, my screen, what I have done, I’ve created a player’s login just to save some time in the login process, but once an athlete logs in, they’ll be asked to provide a campaign ID. And when we build a campaign page, we share that ID with the admin so that they can make sure and pass that on to their athletes. They take that campaign ID after they’ve logged in, they type it into here, and that campaign ID is what’s going to connect them to the team’s campaign. Here we are in the app, the next step after typing in the campaign ID is submitting the contacts. So let me give you an example here. You can see we have a sheet of paper that we would like the participants to fill out, and we like them to actually turn that into the coach so that the coach has a good idea that participation before a team meeting occurs, where the team can say, you know, download the app and submit their contacts. What this app does, is that allows the participants to submit their contact digitally. So without having to basically sit there and type all the emails and phone numbers in manually, which could take quite a bit of time, we make this simple. Basically a touch of a button to be able to submit people on their contact list.

So hereI am in my phone’s address book, that’s what it syncs up with, and I can go ahead as an athlete and select those people who I had added to my address book. After I select the 20 or so potential donors, I click this upload donor button. And by doing that, it’s going to submit those contacts. And those contacts are then sent to our team on our end, and I’ll get into what we do with those contacts, but again, we make it as simple as possible for participants to add contacts to their campaign. So let me click out of here for a minute, pop back in. So now that an athlete has submitted their contacts, going through a little bit more of the app here. I’m under the statistics tab, and this give a quick snapshot to the athlete of the number of donors that they’ve submitted. How many of those donor they’ve submitted have donated, the amount that they’ve individually raised, as well as how much the team’s raised. By clicking down here on Andrea’s donor list, it shows the contacts that were submitted by the athlete, the individual athlete. And you can see that as soon as somebody donates, it will link up in their app, and they’ll be able to know the person that donated.

Also, our app allows notifications. So in real-time when an athlete’s contact they submitted donates, they’ll get an alert in real-time letting him know that that person has donated. And that’s been great, we’ve had a lot of really good feedback where athletes will, right away when they see that pop up, they’ll even send another personal test message to that person who donated, and again it’s just another person touch. Notifications can also be seen throughout the app when people are donation, but that’s the basic. The home screen is just going to give us a quick snapshot of the campaign. The athlete can watch the campaign video, and they’re also able to see the team success as a whole. The campaign page the athletes submit their contacts is what makes it nice with our mobile app. Even though these athletes are at home, they have the ability to do this just from the comfort of their home with their phone. They can download the app, they can submit their contacts, and they’re ready to go.

What I want to do now is, let me sign in to the admin view and give you guys a look at the admin view here. So now we’re in the admin view, we’ll go to the statistics page. So for athletes, they can see the success of the contacts that they submitted for themselves. Now, as an admin you can see the success or the overall snapshot for your team. You can see that for this program, there was 574 donors that were uploaded, 97 of those people have donated, and the team’s raised over $7,000, which in this case they hit their fundraising goal. And then here’s the team list. It shows a breakdown of each of the athletes on their team, it shows how many contacts they’ve uploaded, how many of those that were uploaded have donated, and then how much each athlete has individually raised. So there’s a really really good break down there. And, again, similar to a player’s view, the admin can also get notifications on when donations come through. And there are settings to turn those off and throw them on, or reduce the amount that you get, but again, we just want to make it as real-time as possible for those that donate to know that donations are coming through all right.

So after the contacts have been submitted by the participants, the question now becomes okay what do we do with these contacts, and how does this work once the contacts are submitted. And that’s what I’ll get into now. So the way that these campaigns work is they run for 30 days. And what I mean by 30 days is the outreach that going out to the donors is going to be over the course of the 30 day period. There are several updates, reminders, through email, text alerts, social media posts, that happen throughout that 30 days. Now once the 30 days have been reached, the campaign remains live on the school site or on the RAU site, but the outreach no longer happens. We’re not continuing to send you updates and reminders past a 30 day period.

To give you guys an example of the content that goes out, we make it seem, and we want it, to feel as authentic as possible. We collaborate with the coach, with the athletes, to make sure that what we’re providing in these emails on behalf of them, is what the team would like the message to be. So you can see here through email, text message, social, and alerts, this is a snapshot of what an email would look like that a donor would receive. And here’s also, I can move this so that you guys can see the text as well, so there’s the email and there’s the text and donors at the palm of their hands can click on that link. It’s going to take them to the campaign page where they had the ability to support the program either by sharing it on social media or providing a donation if they would. But we get creative. We customize these outreaches, again we collaborate with, whether it’s the AD, whether it’s the coach, if parents want to get involved, we just want to make sure that the content is exactly what the team would like. This is where the success of the campaigns happen. If you think about some of the other fundraisers that perhaps your teams run, it’s a low touch point. They may be interacting with that donor one time, or inviting that donor to act one time now. With utilizing email, text message, social, and alerts, we’re telling the story throughout the 30 day period. We’re giving updates of the success of the campaign, how much they’ve raised, how close the team is to goal. And it’s never presented in a way where we’re trying to shove donations down anyone’s throat. We just like to give these donors an opportunity to connect with the team and support them however much they would like. Whether it’s a $5 donation, we’ve seen $5,000 come in as donations, so it’s really up to that we give the donor the ability to choose how much they would like to donate.

Now if you are a VNN school, there’s some really great integrations into the platform. Any time a campaign goes live, an article on the site is created and pushed out to social media. But then also, those who have signed up for alerts, so there’s some really cool integrations that happen there. So that’s that’s the end of the product demo. And again, I encourage you guys to look at our YouTube channel. There’s some more information there that can be shared with these coaches.

Now to get into the pricing. We’re a revenue split on the campaign. So the total amount raised, we do a percentage split based off that amount. And typically we work with an individual team, our profit splits a 75/25 split, meaning 75% of the funds go to the program, the other 25% stays with us. And then we cover all the transaction fees that comes out of the 25% that we have. Now what we’ve done is we’ve partnered up with a bunch of athletic directors across the nation. And for those that would like to make Rally Around Us or VNN their exclusive online donation software, we do an exclusive pricing, which is an 80/20. And the 80/20 split, if we are the preferred vendor for your online donation campaigns for the entire school, then all of your schools get a better profit split of an 80/20. And of course, if this is something that you guys are interested in utilizing for your teams, or for your athletic program as a whole, feel free to email me at And I’ll turn the time back over to Romy

RG: Thanks Brett! you can also go to our website at, there’s a page that just /fundraising, not that long link if you want to learn more. You’re also going to get emails from me after the webinar, so if you’re interested you can always reply, I can get you in touch with people. So you know, we’re happy to help. Cool, thanks Brett that was great. Q&A time. So I saw, if you come in, we’ll start with this one. Can campaign be set up so a percentage of the donation goes to the general athletic fund, in addition to the specific team? I know we have a lot of ADs on this call, so wanted to ask if that was a possibility.

BT: Absolutely, we can definitely set up that.

RG: Cool. Okay so let’s see, when someone donates, what does it look like to the person making the donation? Is there like, a receipt that goes out so people are able to do taxes, or you know, or use it for their files for charitable giving?

BT: Yeah absolutely. I don’t have this pulled up into any of my presentation notes, what we can definitely make sure and get an example of what that receipt looks like, but it’s school branded and it includes the donation amount, and yes it can be used for tax write-off purposes. So that receipt, as soon as they donate, gets sent to them via email. And I would like to make a not that when somebody donates, they have the option to stay part of the updates, the alerts, the emails, the text messages. Or they can opt out at that time and really throughout any of the campaign, the people that are submitted have the ability to opt out.

RG: Okay, question, what is the top campaign you’ve seen on the platform. Like what, you know, where everything is go, and then kind of also, what’s the average that you usually see in terms of fundraising?

BT: Yeah, so in terms of fundraising, in terms of some of the larger campaigns, we’ve seen come to our platform, it’s been bands and music programs that are going on. You know, some of these big trips, or they have to travel and bring their, you know, all their equipment and everything that they have, we’ve seen campaigns raised upwards of $40,000, I can go back to this slide here that breaks down a lot of the averages. So you can think about some of your teams, and these averages ring true for how much these campaigns are raising.

RG: Awesome cool. Alright I have a question about compliance at the school level or at the district level, is there, I know you ran through reporting so I’m assuming that’s probably a lot of it, but you know is there a way to like, explore the report that you could send up the change of, you know, for compliance reasons?

BT: Absolutely, yep. At the end of the campaign, and it can even e requested during the campaign at any time. You can provide a very detailed excel sheet that breaks down each of the donations and where they’re coming from, who they’re coming from.

RG: Okay great. And I heard you mentioned, you know, fine arts and any other sort of clubs. I know there’s some people who may be on this call, activities directors, in addition to just athletics, you know, have you seen, you know, different groups like plays, you said bands, as well using the software? Is it something that they can do?

BT: Yeah for sure, we’ve seen debate teams, robotics clubs, you name it. Any type of activity that’s taking place at the school can definitely utilize our platform.

RG: Okay. Is there a number of max. contacts, that was another one that came in.

BT: There’s not, nope.

RG: Perfect, great. So I see maybe a few more coming in. This is a question about analog, and you know, going digital. So I know you know, a lot of people in the new normal are thinking, you know, going fully digital, but I know there’s some that probably, you know, is there a way, have you seen people use this sort of in tandem with more tradition fundraising? To, you know, increase just general funds raised? Like can you speak a little bit on that topic?

BT: Yeah for sure, it can definitely be used in tandem. I mean we’ve seen teams where, for X amount of a donation, well we’ll hit $500, they have sponsorship levels. So businesses can also get involved, and they have sponsorships you can, we can create sponsorship levels for them. But also for the donor, so, you know, I’ve seen with football teams, those that donate $500, that donor gets a helmet. So you can also incorporate physical goods. And the best way I’ve seen that work is with sponsorship levels.

Are you guys able to hear me okay?

RE: Brett I can hear you still, I think we may have lost Romy.

BT: Rick is there anything else that, in case Romy doesn’t hop on, that we want to cover, or now I’m not able to see the questions coming in because I’m not the moderator, so, and I think everyone’s on listen-only mode so, okay.

RE: Let’s maybe give her 30 more seconds, but hopefully this was helpful for everyone, looks like we had great participation. There’s about 80 people on the phone, so let’s everyone have a safe weekend and enjoy your Friday, and thanks for participating. I know we will circulate this, not only the slideshow, but also a recording of the webinar. So if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Brett directly, Romy, or myself. Our contact information’s all in there. Thanks a lot.

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Digital Tickets: The New Normal? Hometown Ticketing x VNN

Can you imagine anyone touching a paper ticket ever again? It seems strange to consider — but after COVID-19, selling and redeeming tickets digitally may be the new normal.

Romy Glazer: Hey everyone! Thanks for coming to the webinar this morning! It is 11 o’clock Eastern, a little bit earlier on the west coast. I wanted to take the first minute and just welcome everybody for being here, thanks so much. This is a series that we started doing a few weeks ago and we thought it might be really helpful just to introduce ADs new technology, you know. The companies that we work with, companies that we like, just new things in a really low pressure environment so everyone can kind of get their arms around, you know, what this new world looks like after COVID-19, after everyone kind of leaves quarantine what are sports going to look like.

So we set these up. They’ve been weekly so far, we may spread them out a little bit more because I know, you know, one a week might be a little too much for people. But, it’s been really great and so I wanted to lay out the ground rules as well for this webinar. So we’ve got it looks like a hundred people in here so hi everyone, thanks again for being here. We’re going to run about 30 minutes is our aiming, we know everyone’s got a busy day so we don’t want to take up too much of your time, we respect it. So we’re running 30 minutes and we’ve got everyone in listen-only mode right now, and it’s going to be recorded so we’ll send the video out so you can send your friends or whoever else you need to after. And this listen-only mode, so we have Maura from Hometown Ticketing, as well as myself watching the questions and the chat on the webinar, so as we chat and talk about things if you have a question put them in there. If it’s a quick and easy one we’ll just answer it, but at the end of the presentation we’re also going to open a Q&A, so we’ll ask a few questions live.

So we’ll get rolling from there. Really excited about this one, digital tickets. This is one of those things that when Bob and Maura and I were planning out the webinar, it was like the big question of like, can you ever actually imagine touching a paper ticket ever again after all this compulsive hand-washing, and things we have to do to keep ourselves safe. So you know, we’re really excited about kind of showing off digital ticket. And so we have two people here to start presenting on it. So we’ve got Rick Ehrman, CEO of VNN, and Bob Brickley VP at Hometown Ticketing who will be able to take it from here.

Rick Ehrman: Hi everyone this is Rick. I’ll keep it brief, we’ve found that these sessions are most productive if we get the Q&A quicker, and I want to off to Bob, you know the handle here so he can take everyone through kind of the user experience and the functionality. As Romy mentioned, we like to do these for a bunch of reasons. We like to present new tools, new product, most importantly partnerships. The previous webinars that we’ve conducted, the Q&A has really, you know, revolved at least towards me around how much diligence did we do, and why did we choose Hometown Ticketing or whoever we’re talking about as a partner. In this particular case I want to mention a few things. So fur us everything we do, we do to make the lives of ADs easier. So when we looked at hometown ticketing, you know ease of use, immediate access to funds, and most importantly was compliance and reporting. So I know Bob’s going to talk a little bit about each one of those things, I looked at the participation list and I know most of you are VNN customers, and if you’re not, we hope you consider becoming one.

And as you can see from the slide that we pulled up, we really pride ourselves on being able to kind of integrate with all the players that are out there. So if you participated in any of these earlier in the year, you know, that we also as we look at each one of the sub verticals within the world or the ecosystem that we play in, we do build a my partner analysis on kind of everything that we look at and decided in this case that Hometown Ticketing is the right player to partner with. In some case we’ll build technology, in some cases we’ll buy companies like we did with Rally Around Us on the fundraising side, but this one really became a no-brainer for us. And we listened very closely through qualitative and quantitative kind of research. What athletic directors, coaches, parents, families, were looking for and as we all know the world is changing as we speak. We believe that now is the time more than ever to make sure we’re communication effectively the value proposition of digital ticketing. So I’ll hand it over after saying another thing. In a previous life of mine before VNN in July, I was actually involved in analyzing this entire industry, not just in the high school sports space but was involved in NBC Sports when we made an investment in Fandango on the movie side. So knew kind of what to look for, what to evaluate. We’re a big fan of the management team at Hometown Ticketing and their culture and believe that they think the same way about some of the challenges that you all face on a daily bases, the same way that we do. So with that said, I’ll hand it over to Bob, and just feel free to punch questions or hold them to the end and we’re happy to answer anything that you want to get out there.

Bob Brickley: Cool thank you Rick, thank you Romy as well I appreciate it. Yeah we’re excited to be partners with VNN, and we are excited to kind of share who we are and what we do with everyone on the call so thank you for your time today. And I appreciate the introduction. You know when you think about digital ticketing, you know, it’s kind of one of those things where, you know it’s been around for everyone for a while. You know, yeah the idea of movies you mentioned Fandango, it is for concerts and pro sports events, you know where you buy at home, you know the tickets delivered to you in an email, you show up, you show your phone or maybe you choose to print your ticket and you gain access to the event.

Well you know as we look forward, and we’re working with ADs right now to kind of help plan for the fall and what you know, what differences they may need in this fall season that’s approaching us, and there’s a lot of unknown and we understand that, and we’re trying to work through you know, how can, how can we best support an AD as they’re preparing, you know, further for the fall season. And we look at those type of you know, the environment that our parents and fans are in right now you know, and they’re used to that, that seeing no contact experience right, the less transactions the better, those type of things. And we feel that we have the kind of tools that can support what that new normal is going to look like in the fall season, and we’ve been doing it for a while. And we’d like to, you know, kind of share it with you.

Everybody here, what we do and we do it first off would love to kind of you know talk about kind of who we are. You know we are the fastest growing digital ticketing provider servicing schools you know. We both signed up of 550 schools since June. Anyway, first you know so we’ve had a very busy first quarter of the year, and we’re continuing to grow at, you know rapid rates right now as we have schools that are making decisions and realizing that, you know, the time is now, you know. And we need to bring this to our fans whether it’s in the form of a season pass, whether it’s in the form of you know, trying to handle different event and in their high school or middle school, or we you know, we’re doing all kinds of different events throughout the K-12 district, so we are kind of a complete software company where we have, we have our entire DEV team on staff. You know our founders, Nate and Wes, have built our product from the ground up, you know we, it’s one where you know we sat down and they sat down with different school districts whether it be an AD, whether it be an athletic director, whether it be a treasurer and CFO, a theater director, and kind of ask the question you know, what would you like your digital ticketing product to look like.

How would you like it to function, what features and benefits do you want, and then they essentially built that around the needs of local districts and kind of work with them in kind of creating a software platform that fits everyone’s needs and delivered a couple key features. And we’ll talk about those here in a couple minutes, but you know our goal is we want to bring that professional level and fully automated ticketing solution down to the high school and middle school, you know. And you have that experience at the movie theaters where you’ve selected your seat, you have that experience going to a concert or going to a professional sporting event, and we want to provide that same level of quality, and you know that fans are used to when they’re going to an event. We want to bring that to the high school space and we’ve successfully done that in over the last four years. So it’s kind of an exciting time for use as you can see on the screen here, you we’ve, we have a large amount of partners that we work with that we pride ourselves in. Whether it be a state organization or, you know, some local partners obviously like VNN, some Texas partners like Dave Campbell’s Texas football, and some marketing partners we have to kind of bring added value. And our Strike partnership which obviously we’ll talk about a little bit kind of how we, you know, pride ourselves in not touching school funds. And that’s something we’ll spend a little time on in a little bit, but feel free if you have questions obviously Romy mentioned, don’t hesitate to put those in the chat you know. I’m excited to kind of hear what you guys are thinking about, is your planning for the fall. And, let you know what unknowns you’re trying to prepare for, or what you’re trying to work with your administration on to find answers, you know to things that you haven’t experienced before.

And maybe we can bring insight on how we’ve helped some schools already get to that level. So a couple differences you know we pride ourselves on providing that I mentioned, professional level service. But you know it’s we customized every single aspect of our, whether it be our box office, our tickets, our seat maps, our passes, the website, the purchase experience, the scanning app, everything is completely custom and branded to your school. And in which we want to give your, not only your fans, but your gate workers and your staff the experience of, you know, I’m working with a professional level service here, I’m looking at the highest quality product there is. We want to bring that to them, and we do it through our software and our DEV team kind of delivers that for us. Obviously we’re looking, you know, for an easy ticket buying experience so we’ll talk about that in a second where, we embed everything our software, directly onto your school website. We interfere VNN, we integrate on the back end if you’re not a VNN school you know, we embed on the district’s website or the high school athletic page. We want to give that fan the experience that they’re used to maybe with an Amazon purchase or a Target purchase, where they’re not directed all over the place. They’re buying it on the website that they’re in, and when they finish their transaction, they’re still in your school website. So it can continue to, you know, find other events or, you know, research other things that they’re looking for, for their students. So there’s a lot of different things that we do.

I mentioned immediate funds available. We have a partnership with Stripe, I have a couple different options here but you know our most valuable option to schools is you know, we don’t want to hold your funds, we don’t want to touch. Just your ticket revenue, we deliver that to you, you know at the time of transaction. And our, with our Strike partnership, so whether you’re selling season passes, now you’re doing a season ticket renewal, and maybe May or June for the fall you have those funds available to you immediately. You’re no longer waiting for a post event check to arrive or anything, you know that after the event we pride ourselves in not having any contact with school funds, and we don’t want to, you know, our goal is to have that delivered directly to you at time of purchase. And we talk about our Strike partnership a little bit. Yeah I mentioned the no contacts ticket sales, and ticket redemption, that’s something that we’ve been you know, providing for several years now through our, our quick scanning as well as you know, the EM guide on the website so fans are able to no long have to come into your school building during a certain time period, you know, where there’s two to four, to buy tickets for a Friday or whatever it might be.

You know we provide that for them, and the combine whatever they want. You know we have a historical stat that, you know, about 40% of all fans will buy tickets just after 9 p.m. because that’s just when it’s convenient for that, and we wouldn’t want you to have, you know, your ticket sales office open to meet the needs of your fans. So you can decide your website availability. So that type of thing we’ll bet into that. We have obviously the, we pride ourselves on being the most financial transparent ticketing company in the industry. We have all kinds of you know, event specific, and even fan specific reporting tools that allow you to, you know, reach the needs of your, of your school and especially your business offices you’ve got to go back on, on your events and your revenue per event.

I’m going to get into our custom seat maps here in a minute, and we also provide you a dedicated account manager, but we also have a completely open and back-end, where if you’d like to have, you know, full access to make trick changes to events or to add your own or to, you know, whatever you’d like to do, you have full access. We don’t limit you in any way, we’re happy to train you and let you completely run your own box office or happy to work with you along the way as you get. So wanted to kind of start off and kind of jump in and give you a quick example of, you know, kind of a hot item for use right now, and let you kind of see our website and then we’re going to start off with an example here. And what you’re looking at is a live website, it’s an Xavier High School in Cincinnati Ohio, we are directly on their school website.

So as you can see, I can click around, and you , maneuver around the school website, but you have our software embed essentially a white label ticketing software, so we, fan clicks on this site, if they click on, you know, the school, created a nice little tickets tab here, and takes us directly to this page. You know your fans or parents have that experience, or the visual of, you know, I’m buying this, you know, almost a visual of course pass the bomb, are all supports passed directly from, you know, to high school, you know, and when they click this button to get passes you know, they’re essentially staying on the page, and they’re not being redirected to, you know, additional sites or taken off the page. Obviously you know this school has some sponsors that they think, they don’t want to drive traffic away from their sponsors, they like to keep, you know keep their fans there so. We have a digital pass and a hard pass now, as you can see up here on the screen. The digital pass is something that’s delivered to the phone, you know, it’s available to be saved in your Apple Wallet, it’s able to be, we have a very awesome share text feature where we can actually share this via text or by email to, you know, to another fan or family member, that type of thing. But we also offer a hardback for if that fan would like that commemorative pass or commemorative ticket for the season when they maybe, it’s your senior citizens that would prefer it, just have you know, the pass in their wallet that has their name on it.

And we produced those and we deliver this to you as well, so there’s a lot of different options we have, so you know on the buying option here if I choose to buy a ticket, I go through my checkout process again, you’ll see I’m staying right on this page, and I’m able to say, you know, essentially buy my ticket, fill in my information. We do have customized, you know, kind of the order form, so if we need to collection additional information from you, we can, but you have that great experience of buying directly on the school page. So no better way to then just show you our software and what the user experience is and to have it essentially directly on, you know, a school website so you can actually see the ticket.

So I’m going to show you a couple other different examples here. So you get an idea of things that we can do, I’m going to jump over here right now to Lake High School, it’s a high school here also in Ohio, in the Northeast Ohio area, and you can see this to be an insight, so we’re directly on the VNN page through our integration. We have a nice little tickets button already created up here at the top, we have the ability to, you know they’ve obviously embedded a nice video for kind of a season ticket renewal to help share their name with their parents, kind of a new process. There’s a lot of things we can help you with, but obviously we have athletic passes, we have season ticket renewal, and we’ll jump up into these here to you know, give you an idea what these look like. Obviously we have you know, a season ticket, or no I mentioned our seat maps earlier. So you have the ability tto put any type of information you need in. We want to click, we want to find our seats we pride ourselves in, you know, a custom integration seat map. So we have these different things here, so we our graphics team, phenomenal team, that literally will get down to the detail whether it’s the shading of grass with it’s, you know, certain areas of your stadium, we want the logo on the field, that type of thing, we want you to have your fans to have that external experience you know, obviously here is an interactive map. It’s a fully interactive, if I want to, you know, get into a seat now, these are not open to the public right now, they’re going through a renewal period where we actually off them up for renewal first.

We do have a code system which, as you can see up here, which allows your fans that you may have a seat location already assigned to them from previous years, or previous programs we provide them with a unique pass code, and you know they’re allowed to then click in a purchase their ticket. So the idea here is you know we want to not only provide you with all the features and benefits that pro-level service, but we’re doing it at your stadium as we design your stadium map. So there’s a lot of different things that we can do, and we want to provide that with you. I’m just goin to take you through a couple other examples, you know.

Here’s a whole bunch of different passes, whether it be, you know, a student pass, a senior pass, an adult pass, family pass, those type of things, all available. We can work with you on different pricing options, yeah we work with, you know, hundreds of schools across the U.S., so we can give you the ideas. A lot of ADs asked me, you know, hey what do you think about our pass pricing, you know, can you give us an idea, are we in the right ballpark. And we try to compare some like sized schools and that type of thing, with you to help you. It’s new information to give you a quick example of what the pass does look like. Jump back over here, a couple different examples as you can see. We have completely customized again logos, colors, you know, a student pass, family pass, we can, you know, get into football, reserve seat, has sections, rows, and seat numbers. We can separate depending on what type of passes you offer. You know, we can work with you on meeting those parameters. So there’s yeah, you can come to us and say hey, this is what we’ve been doing and we’ll kind of design the pass, digital pass program to work for you.

As you can see there’s ability to quick, easy, transfer, easy way into your Apple wallet. You can always save it, that type of thing. So we wanted to kind of move on here, give you a couple other quick examples of some other K12 events. Obviously you can see basketball we do a lot with reserved seats, for theater, for dances, that type of thing you know so there’s a lot of different events that you can have access to.

We also provide, on purchase, a digital ticket directly to that fan. So there is ad space, so we’ve talked a lot of ADs that are looking, you known for the fall they’re trying to help their local businesses right now in their community that, you know, may be struggling. Local restaurants, things like that, that are struggling, and these are free ad spaces. You know, you’re more than welcome to sell them, we don’t take any of the revenue, other that you’re welcome to use it to kind of help promote those local businesses in your town. There’s three add spaces on here if you choose not to use them, they’ll just be blank, but if you’d like to use them, they are available. Here’s a great example of the VNN integration, where right on their skin their tickets page, we have a full schedule. You have directions to the event, and you have the nice little buy ticket button directly on, you know directly on the schedule. So just going to give you an idea. There’s a whole bunch of different ways we can kind of work with you on that. I did mention we do give you that full access to the back end right, we have the ability to customize multiple user levels whether it’s, you know, a department admin, whether it’s a box office admin, whether it’s a gate worker, whether it’s just a volunteer that’s going to be there for one event. And you’d like to essentially customize that level. We have full reporting capabilities you do have, and I’ll just show you quickly here at the backend of a box office, you do have the ability.

Here’s a youth camp, and so you do have the ability to, if you’d like, to access, maybe change a start time, or I stopped, if you wanted, you know, you take your pre-sale, you want to turn it off at noon and input your gate, take your price starting at, you know one. There’s a lot of different things we can do for you. You have full access to reporting and guest lists, you can accept it, you can essentially process orders on the backside, you can send out comp tickets to a faculty, staff, visiting admin, that type of thing. There’s a lot of different ways that you can use the back, the backend of our box office too. Quickly and easily, if I wanted to send a comp ticket off to a visiting superintendent or a visiting ad I could select seats and have them sent off very quickly and easily so we give you a full access to everything in our system. We don’t hold anything back, we don’t say hey, you know, you have to call us to make that change, you know we want you to, if you’re interested in taking control of managing your backend, we’re absolutely going to give you full reins.

But, we also have that level of account management support to handle those things for you if you’d like. A transition real quick, a couple of, our scanning has been extremely popular. These are some event we did in kind of late February, early March, wanted to give you an idea on. I’m just going to play this real quick here while I talk, the idea behind this is you know, we have you know, no contacts scanning. So we’re not, there’s no need to, you know, touch a fan’s phone. There’s no need to, as you can see, here, fans are walking up, they show their phone, it scans quickly and easily. Whether they chose to print their ticket, whether they show on their phone, we’re actually going to capture that scan. And you can see this worker here, we don’t need to touch people’s phones, we don’t need to do anything else. So nice quick and easy here.

Wanted to also, this was our forum, NOAA, just a regional event over here in Dayton so very similar. They wanted to use a tablet they had to scan, absolutely no problem, we set up somebody to run their line. The idea is they know fans can simply scan their ticket, and your gate attendant can see that green check for good, and you know that that is a valid ticket. We also have a duplicate ticket feature, which is great for your gate workers. It pops up blue, and it lets them know that hey, you know, this ticket has been scanned at, maybe, 6:04 p.m. at gate 2. You know, so the idea behind it is we’re giving your gate workers exactly the same information too, you know, to say I’m sorry the other students trying to, you know, manipulate a ticket and use their friends, that type of thing. Or it’s a valid mistake and they just have the wrong ticket open. So a lot of different things that we can do to help your gates.

Come fall you know, whether you know your gate workers, you know that number one thing that’s on their mind right now after this, it’s going to be hey, I don’t want to have to interact. I don’t want to have to take things from fans as they walk up, you know. So we’re trying to offer our tools and solutions to kind of help solve that problem and give you a nice easy, you know, solution to that.

We also have a full point-of-sale system. So if you are a larger stadium, and you’d like to, you know, have that, you know full cash reconciliation where you have record of all cash transactions, you accept credit card at gate, you know that type of thing, we have that full system you know. We can help set that up if that’s something you’re interested in.

Wanting to move on to our pricing levels here, you know, essentially we have, we’re a no charge service. So there are no costs to the school, whether you’re on our Pro Plan, or our Pro Plus model, we do have a dollar convenience to be charged on every ticket to the fan. If you choose our Pro model, it is the model that you receive a payment kind of in ten business days, our Pro Plus model is the one I spoke about the most. With our strike partnership, immediate fund availability, I mean it is kind of the only way to handle school funds you know, in this industry, and this time, and that’s something we pride ourselves on having that ability to, you know, get you your funds immediately on purchase, and no long er having to wait for that. But so you’ll want it to, obviously football’s right around the corner and we’re working with schools right now to plan for fall and to kind of help come up with the ideas that you could take to your district office, your superintendent, as you know they’re going to be tasking with, you know, and the athletic department, saying hey, find new ways to do things, find better way, improve ways, and we know that you know we can help you.

And we can kind of solve that, that event management issue for you for the fall. So happy to kind of open it up to questions, and if we need to kind of go over it again I’m happy to answer whatever you have.

RG: Sweet! Thanks Bob! Great stuff. So I’m going to hop in here to the question menu, we got a lot that came in. So let’s go with the first one that I saw. Once a ticket is scanned, does it go away for the game and just like a question, you know, how do you make sure that someone’s not reusing it to get in over and over again?

BB: Yeah! So, we said our tickets for athletic event essentially, it is a one scan per event. Right, one entry, we have that duplicate ticket feature on our scanning app which allows, you know, it does recognize if a ticket has bee or is attempted to be scanned a second or even third time. It does give the gate worker that original scanned time, but if it was scanned for the first time you know, we also have an entry exit feature most commonly used for school dances, where, you know, basically you’re going to have that students scan out as they leave, that way you have the data of yeah, they walked in you know, at 8:00 p.m., and they left our building at 11:02, you know, that type of thing.

So, most commonly, for athletic events, it’s a single scanner event and our passes do work the same way as well, where it’s essentially one scan for event, it’s not per day, so you could have that, you know, volleyball game in the morning, soccer game in the afternoon, and football game at night, and they’re using that pass, you know. They scan one entry per event.

RG: Perfect. A question about pricing, so one person was asking if the price for an all sports pass could be adjusted as the school year goes on. Like, for instance, lowering the price after fall sports, after winter sports, etc, how might you handle that.

BB: Yeah absolutely, great question. You know, the idea behind, we recommend passes to be sold throughout the year. You know it’s one of those things where you know, you’re maybe it’s a beginning of the year, it’s a $200 all season, you know, all year pass, and then it’s a quick adjustment in the back end of our system as I mentioned, in your box office, to change that pricing you can quickly do that yourself. And you know it’s one of those things where just by simply clicking in here, I’m going to hump back here to my event, but you know the idea here is if I want to, I can click in as you can see my price here is $50, I could easily make a quick change to that price, save it, and it’s live for all fans to see. I can even set a start and end time on that price too if I want, to have multiple price levels.

RG: Okay! Alright next one. Is the dollar fee per ticket or per transaction?

BB: It is $1 per ticket, that’s kind of our base model in terms of whether it’s, you know, fan is buying one or two or whatever, so it’s $1 per ticket kind of since we are a no charge service, that it’s kind of the easiest model. And we’ve done a lot of research on that, the tipping point for a fan is right at a dollar you know. It’s kind of what they’re comfortable with, and what the extent is.

RG: Cool. Is there, is that the same fees for season passes or is there a different pricing structure?

BB: There is a different pricing structure, that’s a great question. We, you know, every single ticket that we sell has a dollar fee on it with the digital pass. There is a two dollar additional charge essentially. What that does is, because that fan, you know, they could attend you know 30, you know 25, 30 different events. And they’re only having that one charge at one transaction, so it is a three dollar total on that, on that pass that allows us to kind of set the parameters, as well as deliver that to them digitally, so that it’s a $3 per, you know, digital pass, if they are interested in that, that hard produce pass, there’s an addition $4 there on that one because we do have to have it produced, and you know created, produced, and printed then shipped to the school. But we do suggest a couple different things when it comes to passes, and we work with every school and kind of, ideas on how to best present this to your fans. But you know, the idea of giving them both options, you saw, they both offered both options, hard and digital, because the digital can be sold all year and the produced ones, the hard pass, there is a timing involved. We obviously have to stop sales of those to get them produced and delivered to you because they’re customized right.

Most of our schools as you know, as you can see on the examples, we’ll take that $3 digital pass or whatever the, you know, whatever they’re adding to it, and they will let in to the price of the pass. There’s a school of thought, you know the more you want to drive behavior the more you have to give them be it, you know, an option that works for them. So you give them that $150 flat fee price that they’re offering, you know there is no question about whether I’m going to buy it online, it’s just I’m going to buy it online, versus if you were to pass that fee on to the fan, now they have the option of, hey, you know what maybe I’ll drive on up and come into the athletic office and try to avoid paying that three dollars, you know. So, and that’s not the behavior that you’re trying to, you’re trying to reduce that interaction. And people coming into your school, so by ruling that in absorbing that fee is essentially a way to drive the behavior that you’re looking for.

RG: Perfect. So there was a question that came in about the bike ticket links on the schedule page. I think that was on Lake or Everman High School, one of those tab you had up. Is that something that is available, you know for every school, like on schedule pages, or how does that work? Just VNN?

BB: Yes so that buy tickets button that you saw there on the Everman page, and let me pull it up here, that is currently only available through our VNN partnership of being an integration. The, you know, the fact that we’re bringing you that ticket right to the schedule page, and parking, the way our integration works is you know, your scheduler obviously talks to the VNN page, and we talked to the VNN page, so we connect, you know, essentially to your scheduler, you know so the idea behind that is, if you’d like this type of look that, you know, that is available only on the VNN website. The other schools have, you know just more of a general ticket page, and it’s by event.

RG: Cool. Great. A question about a district that no longer charges for home athletic contests, do we have any resources for districts that no longer charge if they’re using say, the gated entry points for just security scan location. Like how might that work?

BB: So there’s a lot we can do there to help, you know, even if you’re not charging we do recommend providing your fans with a digital pass or even offer the ability of a hard pass. So that’s something the district is interested in, but by offering a digital pass, you now have the ability to know who was attending your events, and you also have the ability of capacity information if you would like to, you know, kind of reach, reach out to them post event. Maybe it’s a thank you for coming by email, when you have, when you offer those passes to your fans, you now have the ability to improve communication with those that attend it. Know who has attended, and also you know, give the idea of you’re still checking in. With our scanning feature, just, you know, essentially you know, our scanner works up to ten feet away, so if you do need to create that full barrier from your ticket scanner to your family walking in, you know we can. Our scanner is that fast and that powerful, so that we can essentially meet the needs of all social, you know distance when it comes to that type of interaction. But I would definitely, even though you’re free, you want that data of who’s attending and maybe you can even remarket them, you know, “Hey thanks for coming to our soccer game, you know, did you know there’s a school drama performance, you know, on, you know, we’re performing Shrek on Thursday, we’d love to have you attend that type of thing. So there’s a lot you can do just by having the data of who’s attending your events.

RG: Love that. Okay so we’ll do three more. There’s a lot coming in I know we’re getting a little bit over time. One request, could we go back to the pricing. That slide when I was trying to figure out what Alex’s email was. So if could, there seems, that would be great to pull up. Looks great, okay we’ll do three more. What is the start-up costs for the scanning equipment, this person says hey we’re a small school but we have up to four gates operating on a given night, so they’re trying to figure out what kind of the overlay or the cost for equipment.

BB: Sure! You know we work with schools all sizes, so we’re you know, only like able to help you there. Most gate workers would actually prefer to use their own phone, and when it comes to scanning you can put our scanning app on any device. You know, Apple, Android, that essentially allows you to download an app and has a camera right, we can turn any of those. Your volunteer’s, your gate worker’s devices into scanners right, so at that point you’re not having to buy anything. We’ve designed our app so it pulls little to no data whatsoever off of a person’s phone. Because, the first question they’re going to say is, I don’t want to use my data, right. Well it actually takes over two million scans to pull a gig of data off someone’s phone, and we would be more than happy to have that problem on a daily basis, but we don’t, you know, so it’s not going to pull any data. if you have, you know, you can see here in the picture on the right, the school had extra iPads that weren’t being used during the event. Right, extra tablets of any type you can use those too, you know so, most commonly there isn’t any purchase involved to handle your scanning. There’s several different ways we can help you with the, we do, we’re happy to do a site survey if, you know, if you’re concerned about “Hey, we’re kind of a remote location and we’re not sure that you know, we’re going to have great connectivity” that type of thing, you know.

We have a full operations team that, you know, is happy to kind of work with you on those type of solutions and, and kind of create a plan for you and say hey, yeah this is what we recommend. Hey, here’s your, here’s where your connectivity is great. Even if it’s just a confirmation of, you know, what you guys have. Everything you need, you know, kind of help get you ready for the ball.

RG: Great okay perfect. So there was another question on internet access, I think we covered that. Also a question on comp passes, like are people able to send complimentary passes?

BB: Absolutely yeah, we understand comps are a part of athletics, right, and it’s a, you know, I kind of mentioned, there’s a couple different ways to deliver that right. The idea of, you can jump into any event. So if I wanted to do, you know, a youth camp here. I want to send out a free… You’re going to have a sponsor to booster parent, and I’d like to send them, you know, essentially a free camp invite for their son or daughter. I simply, I can can click create order on the backend, in that order I would fill out their information and, you know, choose comic box office, and essentially, you know, offer them, you know kind of that free registration, that free ticket to the event.

RG: Great. Let’s see here. So there was a question about sharing passes. So let’s just say someone is purchasing a digital All Seasons family pass, like how would they send that around to their kids, your family, is there a limit to the number. Like can you set limits for sharing a pass or not.

BB: So there are no limits for sharing. It essentially, it’s still going to be a one-time scan per event, right. So you know, a great example here, your parent buys, you know three passes right. You know husband, wife, and student, that you know, all three passes will be delivered to that one during purchase, or in essentially they can hit the transfer button, send on to the husband, one to the student, that type of thing. Or, you know, if it is a situation where you’d like us to deliver those passes separate, and we can help collect the information at the time of transaction and help you deliver those digital passes out to where they need to go. But there is no limit on sharing and transferring, and we try to make it as easy as possible.

RG: Cool. Oh man I see a few more so I figure we’ll take a few more, would rather we go over and answer all the questions. So someone is asking, we have two high schools and two middle schools, are we able to keep money separated for building, how are people able to track the differences?

BB: Yes so there’s a couple different ways we handle that. And it could be even you know, basically by the way, and order is set up right, so we created an event and the first thing that we ask you when you create an event essentially is the fact that we can define what ticket option is, you know, is it a varsity sport you know. It’s cool, clever, fun, you know we can label this high school, middle school, whatever it might be, that type of thing. We can even put the you know department name or even accounting code in there, we also have the ability if it’s something that you’re interested in is you know – because there’s separate box offices we could you know possibly do a separate stripe account for you if that’s something that you’d like to. Truly separate funds on so there’s a couple different ways that you know that can
happen I think.

RG: So question about client arts programs, are you able to use this for drama club, or you know certain club events or team dinners or anything?

BB: Oh absolutely. You know performing arts events, you know, athletics is one of our biggest uses for schools, you know, that whether we’re creating a full stage, whether we’re doing seating around a stage, for a dinner, we do a ton of, you know, Awards banquets we do Hall of Fame inductions, you know, for schools were if you think about it anytime that you’d like to have you know that nice, whether it be a purchase ticket or even just an invitation that you’d like to send out to an event, you know, we can absolutely help with those.

RG: Great. I had a question come in from what in financial information do we need from the school to get set up. Is that, you know like usually do you talk to the controller, or you know is their routing number, like how’s that, how does that work, the connections needed.

BB: So yeah great question. So when we do our Story partnership, that’s essentially, you know, kind of where we you have no ability to touch the school funds or we don’t even have the ability to access account numbers or information so we work with your finance department. Whether it’s the treasurer, business manager whoever might be responsible for your, you know, for your your funds and they actually they create the the Stripe account on their own so they’re the only ones that have access to it, they then connect in our box office, you know, to the actual to your accounts. But you know it’s it’s fully encrypted and we do not have access to routing number or anything like that it’s creating a Stripe account is just, you know, it’s essentially you know maybe three to five minutes of a treasurer’s time to create that account. And essentially they’re telling it where they’d like their, their ticket funds to go so it’s kind of, it’s an easy process once it you know it, it takes seconds to connect. Once it’s connected one time we can use it for as many events as you’d like, so it’s not like an every time thing, it’s kind of, and we we provide an on-boarding process with our accounting where, you know, we obviously we verify the proofs for your website, you know we talk about the website, embed, and we also handle that financial information. So we work with you on that. If you need to get your treasurer involved or CFO to, you know, finalize something, you know, we’re happy to help in that instance, as, well, we are a treasurer’s best friend because we can get them their, your gate revenue well before the game begins. So it’s one of those things where we’re happy to help you if it’s needed.

RG: Okay so we’ll take two more of them. One’s about the hardware necessary at the gate to scan tickets, like what is specifically in that sort of package, like what do people usually use beyond the phone to simply scan it at the gate?

BB: Any phone is great, you know. It’s kind of a great tool. We have some schools that will use iPod Touches, befause maybe they had them in the past, or they’re available because they used to be used in the classroom, now they’re not, so iPod Touches are great. We have some, I have some schools that will buy, you know, refurbished iPhones, or refurbished you know Androids because they’re inexpensive, and they have you know, that’s all the functionality you need, is you have the camera and you have the ability to download the app and you know you’re good there. So but iPads and tablets are great as well, so scanning is, you know, we scanned the, Ohio is a great example. We did over 120 football games in a matter of three weeks for the playoffs and we essentially, it takes under three minutes to teach someone how to scan. It takes longer to actually add the app onto their phone than it does to actually teach them how to scan, I mean it’s one of those things where once you teach someone else, once you know they’re set, they can actually teach others. So it’s not a matter of if we tried to simplify that and provide such a kind of a user-friendly and ease-of-use experience that it works for anybody.

RG: Thanks. Okay so we’ll grab maybe the last question, oh did I hear someone pop in?

RE: Oh this is Rick. I just wanted to mention one thing. I don’t, you know, hopefully everyone reaches out to Alex, you know this is a bit of a shameless plug. But one thing I want to make sure everyone on the phone understands is the real true differentiator with the VNN HTT relationship. So we talked about integrate schedules, integrated backend, there are also things like single sign-on for parents. And, you know, for sports and activities, and it’s really the only integrated platform in the industry. So one of our goals is to not only distribute this technology to our, you know 3,000 high school customers we work with, but also how those of you who aren’t VNN customers understand the value of the integrated package. So I just want to mention it, you know, before we start to lose people.

BB: Yeah and best part is theres no cost to, you know add this on, you know so it’s simply, your VNN rep can turn this on in your back end in seconds, you know, it’s one of those kind of quick easy, we’ve made that simple and easy as well so we’re happy to get everyone up and running quickly.

RG: Okay so it looks like last question for the day, I’ve been screenshotting a few people with some more detailed things so we’ll follow up with you after this, but questions for Bob, like if an event is cancelled, someone bought tickets, like how do refunds work.

BB: Great question. Also again, in your box office, you have the, you know, the full ability to handle a refund if you need to. Or you can simply reach out to your, you know, to your account manager if it’s a refund situation. We have a lot of athletic directors like to use our box office backend because maybe instead oof refunding that person, maybe you send them a ticket to a future event, or maybe you use our custom codes to offer them, hey you know what, sorry you couldn’t make it you know, here’s eight dollars. Basically in a code that you can apply to a future event. A lot of different things we can do to help in that situation. I know a lot of schools kind of have a no refund policy, and we, you know, we obviously adapt the policy of each school we work with because it’s a complete custom situation. But if there is a situation that you need to offer a refund for, it’s as easy as a click. So it’s not anything that you need to worry about, we can definitely help with that.

RG: Okay one more. I can’t stop, I think it’s a really good one. So the $100 digital pass let’s say someone sells $100 for one, what dollar amount goes back to the school on like a hundred dollar digital pass if they’re selling those.

BB: So sure. There would be a three dollar fee on top of that, you know, for the convenience fee if you chose in a 2.9% credit card process. And so if you chose to roll that in, yeah you probably, the school of that hundred dollars would get, you know, $96 and change or whatever might be. If they chose the path that fee on to the fan, they would get their full $100, you know, so usually the only situations where a fee is kind of absorbed is a youth camp, you know, again, a place where you want everyone to buy online, a pass again, a place where you want everyone to buy online. You don’t want to have that cash option or a season ticket renewal again, you’re trying to drive the behavior of getting them to renew online, typically your game tickets you know, a $7, $8, $10, or whatever your game tickets might be. You know, it’s the idea you get full ticket value and you’re passing that convenience fee on to the fan, because it is their choice, you know. It’s something that we do have some schools that choose to go completely cashless, and they actually did that a little over a year ago, so you know, they would absorb it that way. Again, they’re trying to change the behavior of their fans, but you know, get full ticket price as long as you go pass that fee on the fan.

RG: Perfect, great. So, I know we have a few more questions that are up here, so I’ve been screen shotting a few of them so we can follow up proactively after this webinar. In the meantime Bob if you wouldn’t mind pulling up slide 13 again real quick for us. If you have any questions or you’re interested, you want to set up, you know, more of a private sort of demo and ask your questions firsthand, whether it’s Bob or Maura, or you know, your VNN rep or whoever it is. Email, and he’ll provide kind of the information to get you to the right people or, Tim or someone else. And I just wanted to say you know, thank you everyone for spending the time with us this morning, super fun, we’ll continue doing a few more of these over the next coming weeks. Hope every is staying health and appreciate you give us a little bit of your time. Thanks Bob, Maura, Rick, everybody, and we’ll catch you next time.

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How to build explosive social media graphics for your high school athletic department automatically

Learn more about VNN’s partner BoxOut Sports and watch a live demo of their software that makes it easy for athletic directors and coaches to create professional-looking graphics with a few clicks.

Transcription from our webinar held April 1, 2020

Rick Ehrman: Thanks everyone for participating, this is Rick Ehrman. I was pleased yesterday it had 15,000 people they maxed it out, so as we’re all gauging how COVID-19 impacts different industries, it’s interesting to watch Netflix, Costco, Purell, Zoom, Webinar, how some of these businesses, and we’re actually taking the motor approach, we’re really doubling down in certain areas of the business so I met, I probably met a number of you by phone in previous webinars where we’ve announced either acquisitions, new partnerships, or evolving go to market strategies. If not, just a very quick reminder I’ve been with the company now for seven months. Came on in July as CEO, came from the youth sports market where we successfully built and grew a business called Sports Engine, which we sold to NBC Sports a couple years ago so. I have five young kids they’re all athletes, I’m a son of an athletic director, a brother of an athletic director, and I kind of grew up you know understanding, you know, the challenges and the opportunities that come with that, with the occupation that many of you have so the only thing I’m going to say before handing it off to Robbie to get into the details, this is it, we take very seriously and spend a lot of time evaluating and analyzing technologies that we believe are digital tools that make an AD, coach, parent, and athlete’s lives easier so everything that we do either build, buy, or partner, we look at the entire industry, we evaluate all the players and we can get in later hopefully in a Q&A sessions why we chose BoxOut as our partner in this particular segment of the industry but I think it will become obvious as Robbie talks through the demo and explains the value proposition, and we’ve been feeding a lot of information and data back to our partners at BoxOut. Lessons learned, testimonials, different things that can help us collectively kind of evolve the product and provide the different tools and content that all of you are asking for. So the most important part of these are usually the Q&A, so feel free to jot down your questions and load them up. At the end I’ll be happy to answer anything that related to VNN, but for now maybe I’ll hand off to Robbie to dive into the product.

Robbie Lightfoot: Yeah thanks so much Rick. And just to kind of give you guys a little bit about what we do at BoxOut, I mean for me I’m actually also the son of an athletic director for about 20 years. I’m also the son of a college men’s basketball coach for about 30 years and I was a sports information director at a college for almost ten years and so that, it’s kind of got me in the sports realm, it was just in my blood and with that I knew as a sports information director very similar to high school athletic directors is that your time is everything and you wear so many different hats and you have so many different responsibilities, and it just seems like within the last maybe ten years that these, you know, the graphics, has just been such a big part of athletics. And what we were trying to do, I actually and one of my college roommates, are trying to figure out what is a good way that we can actually take a graphic that was designed in Photoshop or something that you take you, you know, 30 plus minutes in Photoshop to have in the palm of your hand and give you the opportunity to create it in two minutes or less. And so that’s what kind of sparked BoxOut. So we actually got all the resources and personnel together in a room, figured out a way to do it, and that was kind of the birth of BoxOut. Which, which, pretty much started in about 2014, and since then it’s just kind of exploded in the college market and so when we were approached by VNN we thought what’s a great opportunity for us to reach out so you can kind of see a little bit of the backstory there of who we were. It was just me and a co-founder that started this whole deal and since then when we launched it from the, the sports market for colleges, you the likes of Michigan State, Notre Dame, Ohio State, some of the big power five schools that we’re gonna dive into, are using the exact same platform that you guys have the opportunity to use as well. So what you see during this demo is exactly how these big boys do it at the power five Division One level. So that gives you an idea little bit of where we’re at you know we partnered with 41 of the 50 states, even in Hawaii. Sometimes that gets a little crazy when we’re doing customer support they’re like six sometimes seven hours behind us. Well, we take good care of them out there so we’re big on parts of the glove we even have some smaller Soccer Premier League teams that you know are overseas so we’re all over the place. It’s really nice and it stretches from you know minor league baseball to even traveling teams so we have a wide range of individuals that are using our product and it just makes their life a lot easier because like I mentioned earlier, a lot of these people have so many different responsibilities that they just don’t have the time or resources or they don’t have a graphic designer that’s in their athletic program that can be able to create something that says captivating and engaging that they deserve. And it’s something that these student athletes and teams deserve and so we wanted to make sure that we created a platform that was one, user friendly, and also gave them the recognition that they deserve especially now with all this COVID-19 stuff that’s happening right now. A lot of people are trying to do their best to highlight seniors for these spring sports and their teams because they haven’t played yet, so what they do is they function with player spotlights and they take advantage of these within our platform that we have templates that can highlight these individuals and it kind of helps put them in the spotlight and gives them the recognition that they just unfortunately didn’t get this year. So that’s a little bit about what we do, we try to make your life just much much easier and honestly if you want Romy I can actually if you want to turn the keys over I can actually show you how these graphics are made first hand and that way we can even walk through a quick little demo of what we can do to help kind of make your graphics pop. So I can even show you firsthand how this, how this works here.

Romy Glazer: Perfect, give me one second I’ll turn over control to you right now.

RL: All right hang on one moment I’ll show the screen. So, this is pretty much it so, this is BoxOut. And we just have created a VNN Sports demo, I’m just, you can kind of see the really cool thing about BoxOut is that you can start out with templates. And in our templates area we have a wide variety of templates that are categorized in folders. So, for instance, there’s game day graphics and score updates. There’s the player spotlights that we had talked about but then you can even scroll down and you can see that there’s a lot of different ones from motion video options. We have events and schedules even from sports specific stuff for a quote. There’s a lot of different opportunities to get the word out about your team’s in sports. There’s also a lot of cool opportunities in our operations and administrative folder. And that has a lot of things outside of social media. So I’m just going to click this one to show you that these graphics can be used for much more than just social media, and also we are adapting and changing to the time soo you can even see the first three official statements or just three different sizes of graphics that a lot of people have already used as official statements regarding this pandemic that’s been happening.

So rather than having them just type, you know, something through a tweet or a Facebook post. They actually have an engaging graphic with a photo in the background that’s branded specifically to them. But then there’s also opportunities that you can use from specific Twitter accounts if you wanted to put down your guys’ social media accounts you can. There’s locker room reserved seating stuff, so a lot of people will either put this on their lockers for individual student athletes, or if they have a tournament rather than putting their name, they’ll just put the name of the school and have it taped onto the door for reserved for locker rooms. There’s even one for like, single game and season credentials, so that way if you wanted to you can put the game with you and your opponent’s logo on there and then put the individuals name. You can print them off and laminate them if you wanted to. There’s even press conference name tents for signing days, so if you have a coach that shows up to sign one of your student athletes and you want to have his name, maybe the parents name or the student athlete’s name, you can easily print those out and have that ready. And there was even award certificates if you wanted to print off the sign, and we even have like tickets that if you wanted to.

So we have things outside of social media that can be used to your advantage. So I’ll just click back out here and then you can continue to see all the lists of all the different opportunities we have. We try to have all of our bases covered but we’re also adaptable so if you guys even have ideas or things that you’ve seen that you like, that’s what we’re here for. You can easily send us an email and we can take a look at it and see how we can best put some stuff together and then add it to the template area because the best part is we’re always adding templates, but we’re not changing the price. So the value goes up, the price stays the same, and we’ll get over through that. And I’ll throw it back to Romy who can kind of show you a lot of the packages that we, that we have so when you like a template if you’re going through here and you’re looking at these game day templates and you’re looking through and saying, you know what I really like this one, I don’t like this one, you guys can go through and it’s almost like going shopping on Amazon and rather than saying Add to Cart, you can simply just say add the team and when you say add a team what it’s going to do is it’s going to throw it up in this top left corner in your graphics tab and then that one we just added, premium game day 7, is now there so we have some like, options already that we’ve already previously added that I can walk you through but I’ll draw your attention on the left hand side to get the content you want and the assets that you want to upload.

You can actually take these uploads, this uploads tab, and from here you can simply if you have photos on your desktop you could drag them in. They’ll automatically upload and the top right hand corner, there’s that button where you can click on that actually says select photos to upload then you can just take that wherever your destination is on your computer. You can upload those, you could even add folders soo you can categorize them. It stays organized as you want, but since this is just a demo account this just shows you you don’t actually have to separate them by teams, you can actually create your own team pages that, ones that look like this so rather than saying VNN Sports demo, it can say your team name. Boys basketball, your team name, girls basketball, and everything can have its own separate entity. Then you can have an own team and you can give access to your head coaches or assistant coaches or student workers. You can give them access to what we call delegate and conquer, so not only do you have to be responsible for this but you can actually since it’s so user friendly, that you can actually turn the keys over to your coaches and assistant coaches and other staff members, but they can do this as well. And they can each be working in their own individual team page so the football coach can’t get into the volleyball coach’s, the track coach can’t get his, softball coaches. You can keep everything separate so that’s the best part, and that’s why you guys can all create content at the exact same time within your own individual team pages. So you can just simply drag these in, we just created these different folders so you can just drag these in, but you can do the same thing with videos so you can upload videos if you wanted to. These could be either MOV files or mp4. MOV is normally the format that gets used a lot when you are filming from an iPhone, it converts it that way so when you’re doing these, since BoxOut is completely mobile-friendly you don’t have to be bogged down behind a laptop or a computer. You can do all these graphics I’m going to show you today straight from the sidelines of football games, you know soccer games, inside for basketball. You can even take photos and videos from your phone and directly upload them there so we want to make sure when it comes to BoxOut we focus on two things, branding and then the quickness of it.

So we want to be as efficient and effective to get that graphic posted as fast as possible, and for guys as athletic directors we want to get to the point where we want your fans and other athletic directors. We want to get to that point where we want your fans and other athletic directors to look and say how on earth did they post that so fast, like I’m sitting in the gym with this athletic director who is somehow posting a graphic from the game with a photo that is of our gym and they’re posting it to their social media account. How do they do that, because I want in because that’s the best way to promote your student-athletes and your team’s, so that’s really our goal. The same thing with graphics, you can also upload your logos or different versions of them. We just have one logo in here now, as an example, and that’s how you can do that.

There’s two different, there’s three different subscriptions they’re faced at. Plus and premium. And with plus and premium you actually have access to an opponent database and the really neat thing about the opponent database is you guys no longer have to keep track of your own individual logos for your own opponents. So I’m just going to type in the word central just to give you an idea how this works. You basically just have, when you type in central you have all these different teams to type in. Your, of course, when you guys search you’ll be looking for a, you know, specific team, they’ll pop-up, and all you have to do is, I’m just going to click on Adams Central, and by clicking on them it’s automatically added them to this list at the bottom here with all these other schools, and what it just did is it pulled their name, their logo, their primary and secondary school colors, their abbreviation, all that stuff is stored and automatically added so when you go to create your graphics all you have to do, choose Adams Central from a drop-down menu, and then from there it’ll just pull it and put it right where it needs to go and make sure that it pulls the high-res file for that specific logo. So that’s pretty much how that works, and we’re always constantly adding to our database so there’s a lot of neat things that you can choose from that has a lot of good value for you. And I’ll show you here in just a little bit of how there’s even more than just school logos in our database for you. We went over templates, so I’ll go down to settings and in settings you can actually link your Twitter and Facebook accounts directly from BoxOut, so once you link these you just click authorize Twitter, and if you have the password and the username of that Twitter account or if you’re an administrator for that Facebook page, you can actually go in and link these directly so once you’re ready to post you don’t have to download it and go to or go to You can do everything straight from this platform. You can also go to the bottom here, I’ll show you how you can actually do your team colors. So you can actually just zero in and seeing that you can want all these different colors, you can personalize these and we help set this up for you so that way if your colors are red maybe, it’s just red and black, will actually make sure it’s the exact red. Or maybe your colors are blue and orange, will make sure it’s the exact blue and orange that’s in your logo. So that way it keeps your guys’ brand very very strong, and then make sure that it keeps everything consistent and cohesive for you. And by clicking limit every team, your coaches and everybody else, they can’t change the colors, they can only use what you give them access to. Now if you wanted to do a pink out game or you had some breast cancer awareness, you can actually come here and add pink and you can add that to the color if you want to change it up, and we can just hit remove so that way you guys can see how that works.

So that’s pretty much the back end of it, so that way you guys can actually see how that works. Also if you guys click on graphics, we’re going to show you exactly how these thing are operated. Here, first one we’ll go to, here is just this game day one, it’s very very simple so I’m going to click on this and what happens is you’ll see the graphic on the right-hand side and on the left-hand side it’s really, it’s even easier really than an Excel spreadsheet, I mean you guys can go right through this line and you can just see how we’ve added these things in to kind of make the graphic what it is, so I’ll just go in here I’m going to change the font and just change things up. I’m going to change the text to this, I’m going to add white and I’m going to make this still gold. So you guys can see it and then you can change the overlays so if you wanted to add some character to your graphic I’m just going to click the update preview button at the bottom and the center here and you can see here I’ll actually switch it up here so you guys can actually better see it. You’ll hit update preview, and here you can actually change the graphic up to make it look a hundred different ways, and basically all your dents made minor minor changes so you can choose your half-tones, you can choose you know, grain, you can come back here and change all these different settings to make this graphic what you want it to be. And you just click update preview and you can see the changes you’re making in real time so a graphic like this would make it a lot better so that way something that took you a long time in Photoshop took you just a couple clicks. You can also go down to headline and this doesn’t have to say game day, I mean if it’s wrestling it can say match day, I’ll hit update preview so you can see what this looks like. I mean you can go in here and you can also say you know, if it’s for swim matches if it’s you know, track, I mean you can put in whatever you want on here to make it exactly what you want. And then here vs. is just showing you the top text you can put whatever information you want here. And the bottom text will do this and it’ll just add those characters, the repeated fields, it’ll just kind of jazz it up and make it look nice for you and then you would just click share and when you click share, and when you click on share it’s going to give you a couple different options. It’s going to download it or a quick, it’s going to give you one last look at your graphic, and Alex from VNN was nice enough to log in their post to Twitter so once you link your Twitter account you can simply go in here and you can do, start typing this stuff in. And then you would click post a Twitter, it’ll give you your character limits if you post to Facebook this will also create another box like this for Facebook. You can email it, you could download it, so sometimes what they’ll do is they’ll have a student worker that’ll actually do this and they’ll email it to their AD and then they can get eyes on it before they post it. And then from there you would just simply click done and then it’ll just show up in the bottom area here and we’ll just kind of save it for you so that’s a quick one of that graphic, but we have so many different other templates that you can choose from.

So I’ll just show you quickly one, how it uses with a photo so you can actually use this by changing up the text you can do the exact same thing, and right now we have this girls soccer player, but if you wanted to switch it up you can easily come in here and let’s just say this is for baseball. We’re going to go into this area where you can click on the photos. We’ll grab a photo of baseball, and the beautiful thing is you can actually crop this photo within BoxOut so if you wanted to you can crop up and just get the guy that just hit a home run. You can grab this and then you would click confirm, you can add these photo overlays if you wanted to, game day. Oh, let’s just say rather than game day just to show you the flexibility of it you can actually go in here and you can say Lion’s baseball wins, and you can even put here you can just say 5 to 4 and then you, let’s just say was in 10 innings, and then let’s just say Steve Phillips with a walk-off home run. We’ll hit update preview, and then a game day graphic, can look like something more than just that. So you can actually create a lot of different content strictly by using one graphic that was used for a game day graphic. You can use this for whatever you want by simply taking an advantage of the text boxes it did. So this also is another opportunity to look at the graphics from much more than what they were designed for, and you can easily do that. So if you wanted to even come in here and make the text gold, you can also do that. So if you want to flip-flop this just to show you how that looks really quick then it’ll just change that that way, and you can come in here in the day before a game or the day of a game you can even come in here beforehand and them just click Save, make the changes you want, and then you can even tell your coaches or anybody else who may be helping to say “Hey I went and I created all the graphics ready for the football game”, all you have to do is login and update the score, so that’s an idea of how a graphic can be done that way.

I’ll come down here and also show you a graphic that can be used that pulls the opponent database so here’s another score, here’s a score update graphic that has us playing right now. This Clay High School out of Ohio, we’re going to come in here and we’re going to change the colors here. We’ll change the font, we’ll also change the photo so that way you guys can kind of see. We’ll make this a men’s basketball photo, we’ll crop it because we want to get some of the basketball in there, and just to show you the ideas of the flexibility of this right now, it’s showing these bars of the logos on the left-hand side. Depending upon your photo you may want to flip-flop this and show it on the right-hand side. So we can do that and you can see where it pulled Clay’s green color for them, but let’s just choose Harbor out of California. So what we can do here is rather than a halftime score for basketball being three to one, let’s just say it’s 36 to 32, and then we can hit up play preview, and it’ll flop the photo and it’ll actually flip-flop the logos of them and grabbed a similar color of green for Harbor. So let me actually go down to Leesburg and see if it actually pulls a different color so that way you guys can fully see, there you go. So it actually pulled like the orange so you’re seeing when it pulls that it’s actually doing all that stuff for you. It’s pulling the exact hex color value of their logo and their color so not only are you best represented, but also your opponent. And if you like you know, what I actually want to make sure that I zoom in, maybe on the student-athlete more with grabbing the basketball, so you can come in here and crop this hit up they preview and then it’ll kind of zoom in on that a little bit. So if you wanted to get a closer up image you can.

There’s also a really cool feature that we do where you can colorize the photo. So if you actually wanted to give it a color wash based on the accent color that you did, you can hit update preview and choose to colorize it so a lot of times people will want to make it like blue or black and white, so if you wanted to you can easily come in here and change the value of that. So if you wanted to just get a soft color overlay, you guys could. So you can actually kind of colorize the photos a little bit based on the color selector that you added, and even you can invert these colors too. If you wanted to make rather than a navy blue with gold outline, you can flip-flop it and do it that way to it to add that little gold tint to your photo and even for game information at halftime you know you can say in third quarter. So you can really do a lot of stuff then you can put a hashtag if you wanted to at the top corner so you have a lot of flexibility and that hashtag doesn’t have to stay a hashtag, you could put the players name and actually saying that he had maybe 11 points at halftime. So there’s options in there too, where you can actually get pretty creative.

We also have an example of a student-athlete if you wanted a spotlight. Some you can actually bring in that, that photo the exact same way. So we just brought in this volleyball photo, and then you can colorize it if you want to again like we did the last time and then like I said you can easily come in here and let’s just say it’s something different and if it’s play of the game, it may say player of the week, you can just say it’s feature student athlete. And then you get up to four key stats, so let’s just, even though we have a photo where you can see there’s 11 digs, seven blocks, and three aces let’s just say we want to switch it to, maybe another photo, maybe we’ll go back to the soccer one that we had and we can just say this individual for the week had six goals and two assists. Now we don’t have a third stat, you can simply click this X, we’ll hit update preview, and then what you’ll be able to see is you’ll see the photo swap out with the two so a lot an athlete center based on the information that you’ve added. So that way anything you do is pretty much foolproof, so that way you can change this up. You can see we changed it to Kelsey Harrison, and that way we can make that up and then you will just slick share, and you’ll be able to post your graphic.

So a lot of flexibility. We also have the ability to create motion graphics, where you can actually record video. So here’s an example of a school in Indiana, that they actually just filmed their student athlete just holding a basketball behind a black backdrop, and then they just uploaded that graphic there and put the word game day so you can do some things like this too. You can also do, we also have a couple graphics here so this is one that I’ll hit update preview here in a bit, but this is a graphic I’ll show you for football is actually one that an athletic director got from the sidelines of their game, and one of the things we can do is we can change this word from game day. And we’ll just say sack and then we want to say hey, you know, let’s just say maybe a 25 yard loss, and then we’ll hit update preview. But you can also see that there’s these different effects that you can add to the photo. So if you wanted to add smoke or sparks or film or fire, you can do that as well. So what I’ll do is I’ll choose fire and I’ll hit update preview. And the only real difference between this is that it actually has to render out the frame, so it take just a little bit longer, but then you’ll see how this works where this athletic director recorded a sack on the sidelines of his game, and then you can see we’ve added fire and flames and everything like that. And, you can do a lot of fun stuff like like that and then you can just send it to you know, Facebook and Twitter and then that way you have a graphic like this, and so a lot of people use this in many many ways because it’s so flexible. It doesn’t have to say sack, you can say game day. So you can easily come in here, I’m going to choose another one, we’ll say game day volleyball versus Central. And let’s just say it’s at 7 p.m., and we’d rather than fire, let’s do maybe smoke. So we’ll hit update preview. So this gives you guys a lot of flexibility and many people just say you know what, this is a really good graphic, I can maximize this, it can be used for happy birthdays for student-athletes, even though we have birthday specific content you guys can use a lot of this stuff.

So you can see that how it has game days, followed over to Central and that way you guys can, can use this to your advantage where we added the smoke overlay to this you can also position the logo from far left to right, and then you would just click Save, and have your graphic. So you know something like that would be, would take a long time in you know, Adobe After Effects or Adobe Photoshop, and in here you know it’s just a couple clicks. Like you can see, and from there you guys can easily post this and have you know, first-class content.

Like I said, from the likes of you know Notre Dame, Florida State, Ohio State, Georgia Tech, big schools, you’re using the same thing. And we have graphics for schedules, so that way if you wanted to have upcoming schedules, you guys can easily do this and what many schools do, what we’ve seen in the past, is they actually create these BoxOut graphics, they’ll save them, and they’ll put them, on you know, their TV screen throughout the halls, they’ll actually print them ooff and put them on their bulletin boards, they’ll put them around businesses just to let them know what’s happening for their students that are happening at school. So, like I said, you can print these off and use them for more than just posting on social media, and also to go one step further if you wanted to, you can post these graphics on your VNN website to really dress that up. So it has a lot of purposed outside of just social media.

One more thing that I’ll actually show you, actually go back here, is one of the things you can easily do is you can actually, let’s just say there’s a graphic that you guys have for Senior Day. This is just a text grab thing you can look on, but let’s just say it’s the championship game, and we’ll just say that this is us. Lions vs. Patriots, we have our date that will just keep the same. We’ll just say the tickets are still available at the gate. One of the things we can do, let’s just say that rather than this team logo at the top, let’s just say we are in Ohio and we want to use their Ohio High School athletic logo rather than our logo in team logos. The only thing we’ve done is we have our logo, but at the top there’s an opponent library, or if you click on it you can actually type in OHS AA, and here is the Ohio State Athletic Association logo, where we’re going to put that in place of the lion because this is a tournament game. We’re in the championship game for our football team, and we’re going to have something that represents Ohio now, the same thing. We have a lot of them in here, but like I said we can always add to our database to make it even easier for you guys, so if it’s the Florida or maybe it’s the HSA, a lot of teams they do it there. You can go, you can come in here and if you’re from Florida, you can easily grab this so that way you guys don’t have to keep a database on your own, you can easily grab these and use them to your advantage, where we have those kind of stored already, and that way you can kind of use a graphic that is more accustomed to you guys, a state championship game, or maybe it’s post season stuff, or maybe there is, a, you know, a state champion that was awarded through a state championship tournament and you guys want to use their logo, you easily can.

If you guys search something and it doesn’t show up, like I said, feel free to email us because we’re constantly creating a database for our clients to make it easier for them so that way you guys can use this and take advantage of the, that logo database too. So I’ll just hit cancel, same thing goes for if you guys wanted to highlight you know, a starting lineup or something like this, if you had a starting five for basketball you can simply choose you know, a background photo, have your poster style if you wanted to, if it wanted to be a green over this rather than it kind of looking like a wrinkled poster, which is kind of in right now. It’s, a lot of Division One schools are doing, you can hit grain and add some subtle, kind of a grunge look to it, and then from there it’s just a matter of typing in the player. You can just do this, and then typing in their first and last name, and their position, and then it’ll actually put that where it needs to go, and then you can post it. So starting line up on the left hand side, can do that, and then you’re good to go, so I’ll just hit cancel on that but really that’s a quick overview of what BoxOut can do and how it can help you.

So with all these different graphics that we have, like I said going back to templates, this was just a quick flyby. But one of the things we can do is we can really get creative. Especially with some of the graphics we have from motion video, we can have different photos of different individuals from teams running on the field to logo swiping in and flying in. I mean we can doo a lot of fun stuff to kind of make it giving you guys that, that touch that many, many, Division One schools are doing right now. From, you know, schedules that animate and have the logos fly-in, to starting lineups for the names compile, there’s just a lot of fun stuff that you guys can take advantage of. And we found out that so many people are getting creative with these graphics that our designer, who actually works part-time for Notre Dame, putting them together with their recruiting for their football program. So what we do is we’re constantly adding more and more templates, and what he’s doing is he’s actually taking those concepts that Notre Dame wants and likes and what their student-athletes are preferring, and we just apply them to BoxOut, and then we just apply that graphic here, coated in, and then it’s ready to go.

So there’s also this new templates tab that we also have available, and the nice this is, like I mentioned, we also have so many different templates that come in online, so what you see is not what you get. You’re going to get a lot more. So we constantly are adding more and more content to these graphics just to try to be proactive with the COVID, with the COVID-19 situation by adding more ticket promo graphics, and we’ve added I think almost 20, maybe even 30 graphics over, over the first couple of last months. So in short, that’s pretty much what BoxOut is. Romy, I can turn it back to you if you want, and then from there if there’s any questions afterwards we can even sum, sum all that up.

RG: Perfect, thanks Robbie. Yeah, so I’ll jump in next when you share it over and I can share a little bit of the pricing details and just kind of what you get for the cost. And then I’ve also been following along with the chat and we have a handful of questions, so we’ll jump there, give me one moment and, that’s me. This window. Perfect, so that’s why we were saying a little bit earlier. So we have a couple different packages you know, the main thing that we were trying to do with the BoxOut is take this, really great collegiate level product and make it accessible for people in the high school space. You know, we know, you know, in the high school space we don’t have the budget like colleges do, so we split it into three different packages.

It’s basically a basic, plus, and premium, and the way they’re split is kind of what you get. So this is a yearly cost and it comes with all the updates that Robbie was talking about that the team adds. But the basic version is a $395 a year, and that includes all the still graphics that you saw. So any of those, you know, end of the game sort of features or, you know COVID-19 updates, or whatever it is. Then package plus runs a $1,095 a year, and that includes still graphics, plus some motion graphics. So it doesn’t include everything, but it’s got a handful of videos that you could use anywhere you see fit. And then the premium package is $1,895 per year, and that’s everything. That’s the whole enchilada. Still graphics, and all the motion graphics, and this wouldn’t be a webinar if we didn’t have a deal on them. So, so one of the things that we’re going to be doing is a promotion that’s going to run for new customers. We’re, you know, within the week I think after this webinar where we’re going to slice the prices a little bit on each of them to see if you guys want to get in to a basic version will be $325 for the first year. Plus will be $750 for the first year, and premium will be $1,400 for the first year so depending on where you’re at it’s an approximate savings of about three to four hundred dollars on that for the first year.

If you’re interested in, in taking us up on it or you want to have a more private demo you want us to walk through and ask some questions that maybe didn’t feel comfortable doing on the webinar, you can email Alex Kooi from our team at VNN. His email is, and he’ll be able to take care of you from there. So then Robbie if I have you and Rick as well, we’ll hop into the questions, the QA. So let’s see one of the ones that I saw a few times come through had to do with Instagram and Facebook, so we saw the Twitter access, is there any plans to add an Instagram or how do we get these graphics on Facebook.

RL: Yeah so Facebook you can definitely link just like you did with Twitter, the only thing with Instagram is Instagram does not like to play nice with third parties, so for some reason they don’t like to share their API switch, that’s why it’s so easy to retweet someone else’s you know, post. You can also share someone else’s you know, thoughts from Facebook. But as we all know, it’s like almost impossible to retweet or reshare someone else’s Instagram and putting it on our timeline and that’s just the way that they like their platforms. You do like and provide, so that’s why we added that email where you can email it to yourself or what many ADs do since Instagram just wants to be stubborn, is they post it to their Twitter timelines, and then from their phones they’ll actually just save the photo and then post that directly to Instagram, so that’s just a quick bypass.

RG: Perfect. Another question, opponent logos, are they in the database just from other schools using BoxOut, or how do you get the opponent both..?

RL: Oh yeah, that’s a great question. So, one of the things that we try to do is especially with new people, that sign up through VNN is we’ll go back through their schedule and we’ll try to see if we’ll do a cross, you know, we’ll cross examine exactly what is. So if there’s a school that maybe has a couple opponents, or maybe all the opponent that we don’t have in our database, we’ll add them so they’re not just selected specific to VNN teams. There are also team and your opponents, so any athletic director who may be playing a team, we want to make sure that logo is in there. So what we do is we consistently and constantly add more and more opponent logos as the days and months you know, compile. And we just take those and make them so that way every athletic logo opponent is eventually in the system so we’re constantly expanding that. So if it’s not there, like I said, always let us know and we can add that for you. But we really never want to have our clients creating their own opponents in there because that just takes extra time and we’re here to save time.

RG: Okay, one more Robbie. This one’s coming from Margaret about different text fonts. So are you able to include different text fonts depending if you have something special for your school?

RL: Yes, I mean, there’s a lot of different things when it comes to fonts. Now if you actually have for, for a lot of these we didn’t go over, but for fonts did, let’s just say you guys actually have a like, a consistent font that you guys use or a, maybe a font that you guys actually have that maybe your custom athletic font you guys. All you would have to do is just email us the font file and we can apply that for you. And I know different fonts that we have right now would kind of just be displayed at different sizes, so that we you can see whatever you want it to be. We don’t want to actually give you guys the opportunity to expand and make the text larger or smaller, because if you guys get caught tweaking, saying oh this looks, I want to increase or decrease, or I want to have control of this, it just takes more and more time away. So we’ve actually tried our best to make sure all the text looks consistent when you’re typing in your graphic, but if you actually have a font file that you would rather have in place of the options that we have, all we need to do is send that and then that we just eliminate the font choices and it’ll just automatically default your guys’ custom athletic font. So hopefully that answers your question but if not, feel free to and you can even email me and reach out direct too.

RG: Okay let’s see. So a few more. This is run from now through the entire 2021 C’s or school year. Yes so a purchase would run a complete 365 days from the day you purchase, so you know if you were to buy now for the next week or so, it’ll run through all the way into your spring sports next year. So, let’s see. Can these graphics be transferred over to other platforms such as my scores table?

RL: Yes, so anywhere that you can run a visual package whether that JPEG or PNG or gif file or MOV movie file, those can go.

RG: Does the basic package include the schedules and press passes, yes it does. And then someone also asks if we could repeat Alex’s email address, so happy to do that. It’s Robbie, question for you, so we have a few people that are asking if we do coaches training, after, after the fact. I believe that’s something we do on our VNN side, but I want to ask you know, have you ever run you know, sessions for coaches?

RL: Oh absolutely, like I said we, we always want to, you know, divide and conquer, so between VNN and anything we can do on our end, we’ll absolutely set that up so I mean, the biggest thing we want is that if you’re going to be using this graphics package, we want you to get the full, the full length of it, the full example. I mean everything that we have to offer. So if you guys are ever uncomfortable and you guys think you guys need, or your coaches need training, absolutely. If you let us know, we can set that up and do a screen sharing demo very similar to what we’re doing, you know what I just did. So that way we can get everybody comfortable with the platform so that they’re always using it and maximizing the amount of graphics that they can be put out there so we can absolutely help them in any way we can.

RG: Perfect. And then one more Robbie for you. On the use side, so we had a few people asking how many people can use it if they have, you know, 32 head coaches, 150 total coaches they want to delegate. You know is there a limit to the amount of users that can get on your account once you have it?

RL: Yeah no not at all. That’s a great question too so yeah you can create as many team pages as you want. So a lot of times but we didn’t even touch on, is the fact that these graphics can be used outside of sports. So what a lot of high school teams will even do is they’ll use you know, allocated resources from the athletic department from you know, Jazz Band, from your book to on the academic side of things, they’ll all take their resources together and they’ll purchase a subscription that helps embody the whole entire school district rather than just, you know, one for athletics. So it doesn’t have to be limited to athletics you can use it for a lot of different areas, and with that you can create all those different team pages. You can create, you know, and have as many administrators and then users. So, many times, a student will have user rights where they can only create the graphics that the administrator has given them. But yeah you can give each coach their own team page. You can give student managers or yearbook individuals or maybe you have a photographer of your school that wants to do this. You can go one step further and do that too. So yeah there’s no limit to the amount of users that you can have, and no limits the amount of teams that you can have.

RG: Perfect perfect. And one last question before, before we head out. Are we able to use this, like, for instance, if we’re going to help our school district with graphics and those sort of things. I’m just wondering if there’s a way that, you know, principals or districts could also help if we’re all using it together.

RL: Yeah for sure, you absolutely can. And one of the things that we’ve had some people even do, is they’ll use it for school delays. So if there’s a two-hour delay or a cancellation, they’ll actually use a BoxOut graphic to get that word out. But you know if there’s any type of ensembles, or you know school programs, they’ll do that. If there’s any type of thing outside of athletics, they make sure that they do that. So the, really the possibilities are endless. And like I said, you can take a BoxOut graphic and use it more than just athletics, you can use it to your advantage to just say these are the text boxes that are in place. I can simply go in there type in whatever I need to be able to just post it online as quickly as I can and get the word out fast, but not only does it just do it fast but it just keeps our brand consistent and cohesive, makes everybody look exactly the same and kind of just, really really strengthens that brand. From athletics to academics, and that kind of cohesive marriage makes, makes the school district much much better.

RG: Love it, that’s great, Robbie thanks so much, Rick thanks so much. One more thing to note, I saw a few questions, it said if it’s 365 days you know, would they be able to get through the next spring season being that we’re in the middle of it right now, and I, you know, I’ve told people we can work it out, so if you email Alex we’ll figure something. If you guys want to get on board and start using it while, while schools are out so that you have it for next school year. Let us know, I’m sure we can make something work but thank you everyone for attending, I think this was great. We’ll probably do a few more of these, we may do a recap, I know that we hit our max number of attendees, so a few people may have gotten booted. But anyway, thank you so much you guys, and I hope everyone has a great rest of your Wednesday.

RE: Thanks everyone, stay safe!

RL: Yep thank you.

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How I Work: Bob Bentley, Sierra High School, Colorado Springs, CO

Sierra High School Athletic Director, Bob Bentley, was kind of enough to take some time and talk about his high school, how he manages a very busy schedule, and how he uses technology to run an extremely successful Athletic Department.

Bob is in his 10th year at Sierra High School and 3rd as Athletic Director

Tell us about yourself.

I have been working Sierra for 10 years now. I was a history teacher and baseball coach for 7 years before landing the job as Athletic Director 3 years ago. I am a native of Colorado and attended Sierra HS as a student, graduating in 2003. I have my B.A. in Political Science and M.A. in History.

What makes Sierra HS special?

Sierra is special because of our diversity. We have one of the most diverse populations of students in Colorado and that plays into our uniqueness when it comes to academics and athletics. The students who attend Sierra are down to earth and real. 

How do you manage your time on day to day basis?

I manage my time everyday by making lists and completing them. I treat my email inbox like a to-do list and practice the concept of inbox zero. I make sure I go home everyday by checking off my to-do list and getting my inbox to zero emails. 

How has technology changed what you do over the past couple years?

Technology is a game changer in the world of high school athletics. When I started coaching 10 years ago we did all of our required paperwork with actual paper. Now we operate in a digital world with all our forms and physicals being turned in online to ease the clearing process and ensuring we don’t miss kids. When it comes to social media and our website, I have been pushing everything we do out on there as the main way to communicate with students and parents. That is the world we live in now and were everyone gets their information so we have to adapt. 

What is the biggest challenge you face on a day to day basis?

Trying to balance my duties as an AD with other duties that have been assigned to me as an administrator like teacher observations and the occasional discipline of students. It is easy to get lost in the athletic side and missing the other duties as an administrator in my building. 

You guys have done a great job aligning with VNN’s mission, connecting communities through sport. Why do you think that is?

VNN is such an easy platform to communicate with students and parents. Making sure I highlight our students and post pictures goes a long way with our parents, community, and alumni base. They tell me all the time that they love seeing the stories and the pictures on The best thing we can do is showcase the talent of our amazing students. 

Anything else that you want to share with us.

Being an athletic director can be challenging, but in the end there are so many rewards and with VNN it just makes the job easier!

BIG thank you to Sierra High School and Bob Bentley for giving us and everyone else an inside look at how they run their Athletic Department!

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How I Work: Richie Wildenhaus, New Albany High School, New Albany, OH

New Albany High School Athletic Director, Richie Wildenhaus, was kind of enough to take some time and talk about his high school, how he works, and how he uses technology to run an extremely successful Athletic Department.

Richie is in his 4th year at New Albany, and 11th year as an AD

Tell us about yourself.

I am from Ohio (born and raised).  This is my 11th year as an Athletic Director (7 years served in Colorado) and I am in my 4th year at New Albany.  My wife, Colleen, and I have two children (Julia-14 and Ryan-12).  Huge Ohio State fan, avid golfer, and we love to spend our time on the beach in Hilton Head Island, SC. 

Why’d you get into athletic directing? What gets you up in the morning about the work?

I got into this career as a way to make a difference in the lives of others.  I enjoy the relationships I am able to build with so many different people (students, coaches, parents, community, officials, other administrators, etc).  Getting up everyday and coming to the office to work alongside an incredible staff and admin team is extremely rewarding.  The culture we have here is incredible and I am fortunate to be part of that.

How do you plan for the future of your department?

We evaluate all of our programs within our department looking at a variety of data points.  Working with our head coaches, we put together action plans to address areas of need.  Additionally, being a community school, we are able to vertically align with our middle school and youth programs to create relationships and seamless transitions between levels.  

New Albany HS has an enrollment of about 1,700 hundred students and located just 20 minutes from The Ohio State University

Is there something you like the most about VNN? What’s the one thing you wish we could improve on?

The thing I love most about VNN is the customer service.  Whether it is on the phone or through the online chat (which is what I utilize the most), the staff is always very helpful and timely with their assistance.

What do you find special about New Albany High?

Without questions, the most special thing about New Albany as a school and community is the people.  We have an incredible culture here.  Everyone is supportive of each other, there is great pride and expectation for everything we do, and the community support is tremendous.  People make organizations great, and in New Albany, we have some of the best around. 

If you had one piece of advice about your job for all the other athletic directors out there, what would it be?

My biggest piece of advice is to “embrace the grind.”  The hours are long.  You make sacrifices to do the job and do it well.   The reward is knowing that you are part of creating something bigger than yourself.  The programs you oversee are providing skills beyond the sport, and your student-athletes are developing character traits that will carry them through their lives.  When your student-athletes walk across the stage and receive their diplomas, please know that your programs have helped get them there, and the grind you embraced is worth it in the end.

The boys varsity hoops team heads into the playoffs with an impressive 15-7 record

You guys have done a great job aligning with VNN’s mission, connecting communities through sport. Why do you think that is?

We look at our VNN website as an extension of our office.  We strive to fill it with content that allows it to be a “one-stop shop” of information about our department.  If someone has a question about anything related to New Albany Athletics, they know they can head to the website and their questions will be answered.  Additionally, the opportunity to share our message and to market our “brand” is invaluable.  We celebrate our student-athletes’ successes and provide those messages to our community through the vehicle of our VNN website.

Want you schools athletic department featured on our blog? Contact

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Chad Greenway and TCO team up to provide free software for Minnesota High Schools

For the first time in 30 years, participation in high school sports has declined. With involvement in youth sports directly associated with improved physical and mental health, teamwork, leadership skills, civic pride and academic achievement, the trend has alarmed many, including former Minnesota Viking Chad Greenway and Twin Cities Orthopedics (TCO). Today, in a bid to empower schools to face the challenge head on, the two announced a state-wide investment in and deployment of a software platform by technology company VNN that modernizes how athletic departments support student growth. 

In short, the investment gives schools the ability to operate the way colleges and professional teams do, from maximizing ticketing and fundraising dollars to easily promoting all their sports online with the goal of building stronger, more self-sustaining athletics programs and better local communities in the process.

“We envision a future where every student has access and opportunity to the benefits of athletic participation, no matter the sport,” said Greenway. “State of the art digital tools can support high school sports management tasks which, in turn, drives more people to games, makes it easier to sign up, and builds community involvement. However, to do it right is a massive undertaking, especially for schools that are understaffed and underfunded. I’ve gotten to where I am because of the immense support and opportunities I received playing youth sports and I want all young student athletes to have that same opportunity by ensuring participation in Minnesota continues to go up, not down, like they are doing in the rest of the US.” 

Greenway spent his entire 11 year NFL career with the Minnesota Vikings

With a mission of connecting communities through sport, VNN has spent the last 10 years working with and learning from schools across the country to ensure their product gives schools what they need to achieve the most for their students. By streamlining the work athletic directors have to do to keep their parents, athletes and local fans up to date, and a robust API that allows them to connect to or sync with other software providers, VNN’s platform allows administrators to do more with less.

“We’re grateful for the opportunity to give back to our local athletes, coaches, families, and school administrators,” said Heather Lang, Vice President of Marketing at TCO. “As the Official Sports Medicine Provider for 21 high schools in the metro, we see first-hand how hard these schools work to provide opportunities for their students. That’s what makes this partnership with Chad and VNN so exciting. Athletic Directors are always striving to do more, and this technology can help make their dreams a reality.”

That’s where VNN’s Project Five comes in. Through the efforts of Chad Greenway and TCO, Minnesota’s high schools will now have free access to tools that will help drive attendance, increase community involvement, bolster student participation, highlight the tremendous efforts of athletes in the state, and fund new opportunities, ultimately helping families stay connected and energized around high school sports.

Twin Cities Orthopedics provides comprehensive orthopedic specialty care at over 30 convenient clinics in the Twin Cities and Western Wisconsin

“You cannot ask for two better champions of high school sports”, said Rick Ehrman, CEO of VNN.  “As a single parent of five young student athletes, bouncing from gym to gym all week, this partnership became obvious based on the investment already being made by TCO and the ex-Viking. I see Chad almost every weekend volunteering his time, teaching kids about teamwork, work ethic, and all the other benefits that come with the camaraderie of team sports.  It’s also impossible to quantify the impact TCO has had in this market around injury prevention and performance enhancement but it was noticeable to me that they share the same mission as VNN as it relates to protecting athletes and growing participation.” I couldn’t be more excited about this partnership and hope schools across the State of MN take advantage of the generosity of these organizations.”

The technology package includes a custom-branded, ADA-compliant website, media score reporter, team coordination app (available on iOS and Android), online ticketing box office, and digital fundraising software, valued at $2,500 per school. All schools have to do to receive their free software is visit and sign-up at the website:

Greenway continued, “As I found out when I played in the NFL, Minnesota has the best fans in the country. We want to ensure they have the same high-quality experience with their local high school team as they have when following the Vikings.”

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How I Work: John Chandler, Alexander High School, Douglasville, GA

Alexander High School Athletic Director, John Chandler, was kind of enough to take some time and talk about his high school, how he works, and how he uses technology to run an extremely successful Athletic Department.

John Chandler is currently in his 19th year working in Education

Tell us about yourself.

I’m John Chandler. I’m an Assistant Principal and the Athletic Director at Alexander HS in Douglasville, GA. This is my 19th year in education.

What makes Alexander HS special?

I’ve never seen support from the community like I have seen at Alexander. All the stakeholders seem to love being a part of this place and this culture. Sometimes, it seems too good to be true that a place like this can actually exist, especially since It’s so different than my prior experiences.

Why’d you get into athletic directing?

I’m actually a “band guy” and chemistry teacher by training. I have always loved the public relations aspect of school administration. At a previous school where I served as an AP, the principal there had the vision that my personality and skill set would benefit athletics. The rest is history. Coaches seem to appreciate an AD who has absolutely no knowledge of their sport but all the knowledge of how to support them and create paths to make their jobs easier by doing all the “things” other than coaching. That’s what I do. At Alexander, I am grateful that I inherited a program that was wonderfully managed under the previous AD and principal. I just had to come in and add my “flavor” to the experience.

What’s the biggest challenge you face on a day to day basis?

My biggest challenge is having enough time to manage this high-profile program, tell all the good news, be an amazingly supportive assistant principal, and make sure that I am a present and loving husband and father. Time management is critical.

What’s the best part of your job?

The best part of my job is building relationships with my athletes, coaches, and parents. It’s unreal how the kids and the community have embraced me and love that I celebrate them every chance I get. Kids will come up to me and tell me a story about something that they did well. Then I ask if I can highlight their story on our social media, and they just begin to glow with excitement. I try to give everyone their 15 seconds of fame.

How do you see technology continuing to be apart of sports, specifically at the high school level?

Everything now is driven by technology. Successful people find ways to leverage technology to capture and keep the attention of this generation. While I don’t use social media for personal use, I have found that it is extremely beneficial to use it for our Athletic Department. I have twitter and Instagram for our students, because those are their platforms. And I use Facebook for our parents. I post stories and highlights on all 3 so that everyone gets our message. The feedback has been incredible.

Is there something you like the most about VNN?

When Brandon met with me about VNN, I immediately saw the benefit of having a centralized hub to create stories, report scores, and generate revenue…all under one roof. The added benefit was saving time!  By linking twitter and Facebook, I am able to post the stories on those platforms simply by creating the story on my VNN site. That’s been great. I also love the partnership with BoxOut Sports. Everyone thinks I am a graphic artist. Little do they know, those templates are amazing. Now my coaches are chomping at the bit to get involved in creating posts.

What’s the one thing you wish we could improve on?  

Honestly, I don’t any points to critique or a wish list for things that could be better. I am getting exactly what was promised, what I asked for, and what I expected.

How do you communicate effectively with your coaches and teams?

I believe in instant access to me, so we often use text, GroupMe, and of course, email.

Anything else that you want to share with us.

If there is any school or AD who is on the fence about getting a website, I highly recommend VNN as a product to consider. The customization for cell phone adaptability is a major plus!  Accessing information on a computer is not as pervasive as it once was, so a phone-ready website is the way to go. It will enhance and supplement your social media presence. There are no character limits, and it hits all your platforms at once. Plus, the advertisements generate revenue. That’s always a nice thing!  

Thanks to John and Alexander High School for taking the time to answer some questions about how they operate their Athletic Department! Look for more of these interviews in the future.

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How is Broadneck High School raising money for their teams online?

Raising money for high school sports teams can be very challenging and daunting. Technology continues to change across all industries, but still the common theme amongst athletic directors and coaches are the difficulties in raising money for their teams.

Broadneck High School is an exception to that. Across their sports teams, they’ve raised more than $30,000, well above the average high school. We took a look at a couple of the ways they were using our digital fundraising platform, RallyAroundUs, to raise money for their teams.

We first took the Girl’s Cheerleading team to see how they’ve raised more than $7,040.

Our team had a successful time with the RallyAroundUs program because our members actively used their personal social media platforms to market our link and our fundraising efforts. I also have social media platforms that are used specifically for our cheerleading team and I also marketed the fundraiser on that. I asked parents to also share the link to other family members and discussed exactly what we were raising money for. I talked about the future plans of our program to our families and how we really needed their support to grow into the team we wanted to become. Overall, marketing our campaign on personal social media accounts, spreading the word with tangible reasoning and pushing for family support with mention of future plans really took our fundraiser to the next step! 

Coach Richardson, coach of Broadneck’s Cheerleading team

Broadneck girls volleyball are planning to use RAU next fall

Broadneck’s hoops team took a similar approach by reaching as many people as possible as quickly as they could.

We were able to quickly spread the word through email and social media to reach family, friends and other fans. We used the funds we raised to buy new uniforms and help with travel costs.

Broadneck basketball coach

How is Broadneck doing it? Check out their other teams!

Cheerleading – Raised $7,040

Girls Basketball – Raised $6,888

Coed Track & Field – Raised $6,895

Boys Basketball – Raised $3,520

Coed Swimming – Raised $3,150

Coed Unified Bowling – Raised $3,580

Learn how you can raise more money for your sports teams here

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HOW I WORK: Matt Hutchinson, Wauseon High School, Wauseon, OH

Wauseon High School had an outstanding 2019. They were one of VNN’s top schools and earned an “A” on their 2019 Report Card. Athletic Director Matt Hutchinson recently sat down with us to talk about his school, what led him to his current role as AD, and how they’re using VNN to improve their athletic department and community.

AD Matt Hutchinson is in his 8th year running the show for Wauseon Athletics

Tell us about yourself.

I am in my 8th year as the Athletic Director and 31st year in education.  Prior to becoming the Athletic Director I taught high school math for 23 years at five different schools, the last 4 of which were here at Wauseon.  I coached at all five schools for a total of 17 years, primarily in the sport of boys basketball.  I received my undergraduate degree from Miami University and my Master’s from Bowling Green State University.  When she’s not serving as my unofficial “assistant A.D.”, my wife teaches at our middle school and we have two children ages 18 and 15.

What makes Wauseon HS special?

The community of Wauseon has always taken great pride in it’s athletic teams.  We have great student body and community support at our events.  Our coaches have done a good job of promoting the concept of education-based athletics and most of our athletes also excel in the classroom.  Our teaching staff recognizes the value of our athletic programs and supports our teams as well.  The administrative team works well together to ensure that the athletic programs are supported.  We have been fortunate that our athletic teams have had a great amount of success over the years but more importantly we have outstanding people involved with our programs.

Wauseon Girls Track

Why’d you get into athletic directing? What gets you up in the morning about the work?

As the son of a former school superintendent, I guess I was destined to serve as a school administrator.  The role of athletic director perfectly suites that objective combined with my love of sports.  At some point in my life I have participated in almost every sport we offer at our school.  I feel as though I have a broad understanding of each of our sports and that I have something to offer them with regards to helping them create a great experience for our athletes.  I truly enjoy coordinating and directing the activities that our teams, players, and coaches are a part of.

Is there something you like the most about VNN? What’s the one thing you wish we could improve on?

When I became the athletic director, I felt it was important that our athletic program develop an informational website and have a strong presence on social media. When I stumbled upon the VNN platform at our annual OIAAA state conference, I knew that was something we needed to pursue and that VNN could help us improve our technological footprint. Just last month we had over 36,000 views on our website. With VNN’s platform, we have become one of the most visited athletic department websites in northwest Ohio.

Wauseon Boys Basketball

How do you communicate effectively with your coaches and teams?

Technology has made communication with coaches and our teams much more efficient than in the past.  VNN’s platform helps to spread the word quickly when events are cancelled or updated as our fans are able to sign up for alerts involving their favorite teams.

You guys have done a great job aligning with VNN’s mission, connecting communities through sport. Why do you think that is?

Today’s society is driven by technology.  Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and other mediums allow us to share information in a way we never could before.  Along with those platforms a quality website, particularly one integrated with the social media sites, is a great tool to engage your supporters.  VNN allows us to be an active player in the technology world.

Anything else that you want to share with us.

Since we started utilizing VNN, they have joined forces with other entities to enhance what we can do.  We have used Box Out Sports, ScoreBird and Rapid Replay to make our athletic department’s message reach a larger audience and engage people from across the country who like to keep tabs on the athletic teams from Wauseon.

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Easley High School and RallyAroundUs – how were they able to raise $40,000 for their sports teams?

Easley High School started using RallyAroundUs less than a year ago (started Spring of 2019) and have already raised $40,000 for their sports teams. Here’s what each team has done.

Boys Baseball – Raised $12,225

Cheerleading – Raised $10,656

Girls Softball – Raised $5,250

Girls Volleyball – Raised $5,775

Boys Wrestling – Raised $2,930

Girls Tennis – Raised $1,650

Girls Basketball – Raised $1,375

Easley High School Cheer has raised close to $11,000 so far

If you’re interested in doing the same, schedule a demo here.

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What are the best highlight services for high school athletes looking to catch the attention of colleges coaches and recruiters?

The Tech Review is VNN’s weekly run-down of the tech companies having the biggest impact in sports, and our team’s picks for which platforms we see as the best choices for high school athletic departments across the country.

It is most high school athletes dream to play a sport in college. They spend years and years, hours and hours, working on their craft to hopefully one day be able to compete at the next level. The reality, however, is that very few high school athletes will actually make it to the next level. According to the NCAA, there are more than 8,000,000 high school athletes across the country, and only 495,000 end up competing at NCAA schools across D1, D2, and D3. In other words, if you’re playing high school sports, the numbers show you have about a 6% chance of playing in college. With that number being so low, student athletes around the country must find any advantage they can.

With technology playing a big role in sports at all levels, we were curious to look at companies who provide highlight tapes for players to send to schools. There are a bunch, so we narrowed down some of the big players.


With 10+ years in the business, RecruitReels brings an experienced staff with big sports backgrounds to help boys and girls live out their dream of playing college sports. They offer highlight tapes in 14 sports, with 5 different package options range from $399-$1,999. Their basic package provides some general highlights and athlete info, while their platinum package offers you highlights, a professional videographer, workout videos and much more. The consistent theme of professionalism, quick turn around time and customer service make them one of the top companies in this industry. Downside? Video quality is not up to the level as some of their competition.

Next College Student Athlete (NCSA)

More than just highlight footage, NCSA offers a complete package to help get players recruited. From highlight tapes to ACT and SAT prep courses (partnered with Kaplan Test Prep) this all in one services prepares future student athletes very effectively. Founded in 2000, NCSA has been in the space as long as anyone. With the motto “Bringing Process, Technology, and Passion to recruiting”, it’s easy to see why they’ve been successful.

What really separates NCSA is their relationships with colleges. They have more than 35,000 college coaches in their network from across all sports. This allows them to build relationships and properly put student athletes in touch with the right people.


The best quality video and easiest to use out of all our options, Hudl has lead the way in highlight tapes for high school athletes for a while. Easy to use and upload, plus some free options, makes this is another attractive option for athletes. The convenience of Hudl is second to none and eliminates the need for expensive equipment and allows you to film from any device that you already have.

More than 100,000 high school teams are currently Hudl and roughly 1.2 million athletes are on their platform.

OUR PICK: NCSA – This complete package, on top of high quality film, is the reason we love this company.

Honorable Mentions

A few other highlight reel options are on our radar too:

Prodigy Highlights – you send them game film, they make your highlight tape for you

Prospect Reels – cheap ($99) and solid quality

American Sports Memories – 5 different packages for any type of athlete

Want us to help you figure out which solution is the best for your school? We’re here, email us at

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Urbana High and RallyAroundUs – how are they doing it?

Urbana girls hoops have raised over $3,000 so far this season

Urbana High School. How did they do it?

Boys Football – Raised $16,735

Girls Soccer – Raised $7,430

Boys Soccer – Raised $4,080

Cheerleading – Raised $3,525

Poms – Raised $3,496

Field Hockey – Raised $4,610

Girls Indoor Track and Field – Raised $4,615

Boys Basketball – Raised $3,706

Girls Basketball – Raised $3,171

Boys Wrestling – Raised $1,320

If you’re interested in doing the same, schedule a demo here.

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